It's just one of those weeks, you know?
1. Slept well. It's too hot and humid.
2. Folded the laundry from Monday.
3. Knitted.
4. Paid bills.
5. Prepared some extremely overdue items for mailing at the P.O.
6. Done any cleaning of any kind, other than that of my person.
7. Written any letters I thought I'd write.
8. Planted the two plants still waiting to be in the garden.
9. Blogged (until now, that is!).
10. Killed anyone. I'm not saying that I haven't been tempted though.
Now, the good news is, most of these will likely happen in the next few days; #4 absolutely HAS to be done tomorrow evening, or we're in real trouble; and I sincerely hope that #10 NEVER becomes a reality.
On the plus side, I *have* accomplished #9 right now. :-)
And here is a picture from our trip to WV and Pittsburgh last weekend. This is the Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh, heading downward. Enjoy.
26 June 2013
16 June 2013
Two Things for Today
First of all:
Happy Bloomsday!
"A man's errors are his portals of discovery"
-- James Joyce
Photo taken in Dublin, Ireland in November 2012.
Happy Father's Day!
My dad
"It doesn't matter who my father was;
It matters who I remember he was"
-- Anne Sexton
09 June 2013
And When It Rains ...
Of course, it pours, right? That was this past week for me.
Before I forget, thank you for all of your kind thoughts, prayers, and comments on my post about my late sister-in-law Sheila. Her death was quite sudden, and though I am very glad that she didn't linger or suffer terribly, I still feel bad. She was The Tim's favorite sibling, and her late husband Dave (who died last fall), was the best man at our wedding. Of course, since then there have been disturbing issues related to her estate and will, so we've been just trying to get through it all. I feel bad for The Tim, as he was blindsided with a lot of it. But in the end, both of us are still here and happy about that fact, so it's all good.
Then there was the deadly building collapse, which fortunately did not involve either of us directly, but did occur just up the street, and was and is just incredibly awful.
Of course, Friday was The Day It Just Kept Raining, and we discovered that our roof has a leak! Fortunately for us, The Tim is on vacation this coming week, so he is planning to call our roofer and hopefully get things resolved.
But - yeah. What a week!
The weekend though has been very nice, and somewhat productive. I finally managed to get through about 95% of The Great Seasonal Closet Switchover. Other than some things that have to be laundered before being put away, it's taken care of. And I have 4 big bags of stuff to donate to the local clothing bank. That is a good feeling for me, I have to say.
Not much knitting or reading has been happening, partly because I've been busy with other stuff, partly because I just haven't felt like it. I'm sure I'll pick up both this week again, since I generally read during my lunch hour at work, and like to knit while we are watching the few shows we record.
And of course, it's June - how did that happen!?
Anyway, thanks again for your kindness, and have a good week. Let's hope it's less "eventful" for everyone. :-)
Before I forget, thank you for all of your kind thoughts, prayers, and comments on my post about my late sister-in-law Sheila. Her death was quite sudden, and though I am very glad that she didn't linger or suffer terribly, I still feel bad. She was The Tim's favorite sibling, and her late husband Dave (who died last fall), was the best man at our wedding. Of course, since then there have been disturbing issues related to her estate and will, so we've been just trying to get through it all. I feel bad for The Tim, as he was blindsided with a lot of it. But in the end, both of us are still here and happy about that fact, so it's all good.
Then there was the deadly building collapse, which fortunately did not involve either of us directly, but did occur just up the street, and was and is just incredibly awful.
Of course, Friday was The Day It Just Kept Raining, and we discovered that our roof has a leak! Fortunately for us, The Tim is on vacation this coming week, so he is planning to call our roofer and hopefully get things resolved.
But - yeah. What a week!
The weekend though has been very nice, and somewhat productive. I finally managed to get through about 95% of The Great Seasonal Closet Switchover. Other than some things that have to be laundered before being put away, it's taken care of. And I have 4 big bags of stuff to donate to the local clothing bank. That is a good feeling for me, I have to say.
Not much knitting or reading has been happening, partly because I've been busy with other stuff, partly because I just haven't felt like it. I'm sure I'll pick up both this week again, since I generally read during my lunch hour at work, and like to knit while we are watching the few shows we record.
And of course, it's June - how did that happen!?
Anyway, thanks again for your kindness, and have a good week. Let's hope it's less "eventful" for everyone. :-)
04 June 2013
"And when I'm done with wandering
I'll sit beside the road and weep
For all the songs I did not sing
And promises I did not keep."
-- The Parting Song
Rest in peace, my lovely and dear sister-in-law Sheila.
May your journey be beautiful,
and may the heavens welcome another bright star.
I love you.
02 June 2013
Please Don't Let the Door Hit You on Your Way Out
That is, if your name is Heat and Humidity. This past week has been brutal - and when, like me, you are no fan of heat and humidity, it's enough to make you give up. Though I don't like it, in late July and for the month of August, I realize that is summer's M.O.; but in the last week of May, and the first couple of days of June, it's just plain wrong. Yes, I am more than aware that at least we are not having tornadoes or floods. And for that I am grateful. But I still reserve the right to complain based on geography. The weather forecasters are saying that a rain storm will come along tonight and break the heat, and we'll go back to 70s in the daytime. I am holding on to that hope ...
My other big complaint (aren't you glad you decided to keep reading?) is that I fear I may lose some of my vacation time. If you know me, you know that this is the equivalent to Armageddon for me. I had not made specific vacation plans, since our trip to Ireland last October was likely the only big vacation we could afford to take for a while. I just figured that I'd take some time when I decided to take it. Which ordinarily is no big deal, as far as work is concerned. But then my boss quit suddenly and unexpectedly, and our full-time assistant left to go to graduate school. And the only other person in my department had already had all of her vacation time approved. All of which is during June. Our FY at work ends June 30, and we cannot carry over more than 5 days. Well, I hadn't been using my time since I thought I could take my few days during June, when The Tim had vacation time. So much for that idea. I even appealed to the higher powers, and was just told that I "should have planned better." Sigh.
OK, on to other things. This should not turn into a whine fest.
Last weekend, it occurred to me to take my camera when Dug and I went out for a walk. We headed over to the dog park, which is within one of the local parks, Schuylkill River Park. In the past couple of years, they have really fixed it up (not that it was that terrible before), and now it's especially nice. Here are some pictures for you.
This is all approximately 4 blocks from our house, and you go through a lovely little square with a fountain to go there. When you walk a little bit beyond the park, you can cross the railroad tracks and walk along the Schuylkill River Trail, right along the river. There are people, dogs, walkers, runners, cyclists, kids, and it's really a nice place to be. We do live right in the city, but we don't have to travel far for trees, flowers, and the other sights and sounds of nature. I think it's the best of both worlds.
In other news, I have signed up for this:
My other big complaint (aren't you glad you decided to keep reading?) is that I fear I may lose some of my vacation time. If you know me, you know that this is the equivalent to Armageddon for me. I had not made specific vacation plans, since our trip to Ireland last October was likely the only big vacation we could afford to take for a while. I just figured that I'd take some time when I decided to take it. Which ordinarily is no big deal, as far as work is concerned. But then my boss quit suddenly and unexpectedly, and our full-time assistant left to go to graduate school. And the only other person in my department had already had all of her vacation time approved. All of which is during June. Our FY at work ends June 30, and we cannot carry over more than 5 days. Well, I hadn't been using my time since I thought I could take my few days during June, when The Tim had vacation time. So much for that idea. I even appealed to the higher powers, and was just told that I "should have planned better." Sigh.
OK, on to other things. This should not turn into a whine fest.
Last weekend, it occurred to me to take my camera when Dug and I went out for a walk. We headed over to the dog park, which is within one of the local parks, Schuylkill River Park. In the past couple of years, they have really fixed it up (not that it was that terrible before), and now it's especially nice. Here are some pictures for you.
Community garden
The park
Entrance to the community garden
I love these flowers!
Community garden gate
Part of the meadow
Main park entrance
In other news, I have signed up for this:

You may or may not know Kelbourne Woolens, but they are the distributors of Fibre Company yarns. Not only are they local, but both of the owners used to work at Rosie's, which is where I got to know them! Added to that, Kate Gagnon Osborn is foster mother to both Pip and Dug! So when they announced this KAL to accompany the debut of their new yarn, Meadow, I resisted at first, since my knitting is not that advanced, particularly in KAL-ville. But then I thought about it, and figured, why not? So I signed up yesterday, and now I can't wait until the yarn arrives and I can see what/if I can do this. A lot of my knitting friends are also doing it, so I should be able to get some help when I need it. I'll keep you posted.
So that's all that's new here for now. I hope you have had a good weekend, and that if your weather has been problematic too, things settle down sooner rather than later!
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