05 February 2025


If you follow me on Instagram or on Facebook, you already know this. But I am heartbroken to tell you that this past Saturday, February 1, 2025, our sweet boy Pip joined his brothers and sisters in heaven.

Pip first came to live with us when he was just short of a year old. He had recovered from having his back left leg amputated, and a friend of mine - Kate Gagnon Osborn - had been fostering him. She suggested that he would be a good fit for our family. (Fun fact: about a year later, she would foster the dog that would become another member of our family, Dug!)

When Pip joined us, we had Jetsam, who had been alone for about a year after we lost two other kitties within a week of each other. They became fast friends, and we could tell Jetsam was glad to have a companion again. Pip loved Jetsam right away, and things felt more complete again. 

Pip never met someone - human or otherwise - that he didn't make friends with. We used to joke that if we brought an alligator home, he'd make it his friend. Anyone else who joined the family was immediately fine with him, even if the others might take a while.

He was our sweet boy, cuddly, purry, and playful. He was also the family narc, making sure that we knew if something wrong occurred. He loved it when people came to visit (more friends!), and loved going out in the garden for a walk around, once he realized (starting over every single year) that it was a safe place.

He had a great Christmastime this year, which made us (and him!) happy. Last October, the vet said he had lost a bit more weight than before. He wanted to do all kinds of tests to see if it might be cancer or something, but we decided that as long as Pip was happy and his usual self, we were leaving it alone. Going to the vet was one of the few things that stressed him out, even more than any of the others, and we wanted to avoid that. 

In the last few weeks, you could tell he didn't feel well. He slept more, and though everything else was pretty much the same, he wasn't his usual Pippy self. And then his back leg - the only one he had - started not working too well. 

I kept telling him that he needed to let us know when he was just too unhappy or sick to go on, because like I said, he was clearly not feeling his best. On Saturday morning, when I went downstairs to give everyone their breakfasts, he was sitting next to the heater, and he looked at me sadly and meowed even sadder. So I knew he was telling me. 

Fortunately, the vet could take us a couple of hours after we called. All the others told him goodbye, and we put him in the carrier to go to the vet, which is about a block away from our house. It was a *very* sunny day, and we talked to him and told him the sun came out for him the whole way there. 

And by the time we went to take him out of the carrier at the vet's office, he was already gone. We agreed that one of the rays of sunshine decided that it couldn't wait any longer for him to join in making the world bright and making people smile, so that's what happened on our way there. I like to tell myself it was quick and he didn't even have time to think about it, because I hate to think he was panicked in the carrier for the last seconds of his existence. 

Pip was a happy boy, and from all that we could see and tell, he had a happy life. We tried our best, and I like to think he knew that - he seemed to know that he was beloved, and he really was.

He would have turned 14 on the 14th of the month - Valentine's Day. So rather than have a little party for him, we'll do our best to celebrate that he was ours for as long as he was. Maybe by then we'll have his ashes here at home with all of us.


God bless you, Pip. We will love you forever, and will never be able to stop remembering how you saved our lives. I hope you were extra happy to see your Welcoming Committee in heaven - I know they were happy to see you!

Please give all of your family members some extra love today, however you can. Pip was all about love, and knowing that other people and animals were getting some extra love on his behalf would make him happy.

31 January 2025

Next Up - February!

I saw this earlier and it seemed appropriate for this almost-past January. I just hope I'm not tempting fate posting it when there are still approximately 12 hours of January remaining ...

Generally speaking, I don't have a problem with January and/or February, like a lot of people do. And so far in 2025, there were things to like in January. Here in Philadelphia, we got some real winter weather - nothing like the wimpy winters we've had for the past few years. And as you know, I'm one of the weirdos who loves winter, so I am pleased about that. And for the most part, we had a decent month in our family, with lots of cozy time to be together. The Eagles made it to the Super Bowl, which made up for Notre Dame losing to Ohio State in the college championship game (I have a loooong history of not liking Ohio State. And I should move on, but I just can't. So sue me. Anyway.) I finished a pair of Christmas-themed socks, so come December they will be waiting for me, which will make me all kinds of happy.

But ugh, January has been a rough one this year. I mean, not just for me but for most of the people in the world. Which is one thing, but usually when the world is falling apart, I can take comfort in my own life and universe being OK. This time around, not so much. It's been hard to keep going forward, but the one good thing is that every day I've gotten out of bed, washed up, and gotten dressed. Some days - as I mentioned in a previous post - I've even accomplished some small things, which were pleasing to me. 

The past few days, I've had to try really really hard to think of things that are good and worthwhile. My "plan" for February is to see if I can organize some of my thoughts and make some lists. Because I do love a list, and I'm thinking having something to even just look at might be at least a tiny bit motivating. 

I mean, this is a GREAT example, and has inspired me:

Anyway, let's move along and hope that February will give us some good or fun things to talk about. 

I hope that your January has not been completely awful. February starts tomorrow, AND it's a weekend, so that already gives us two things to be happy about, a la the list above, right? 😏

Take care, and next week I'll try to share some knitting with you. I think I'm ready to pick up the needles at least a little bit, which is promising. Hang in there, and I hope you can find one thing to make you smile.

27 January 2025

Not Much

(My view the other morning, when Alfie agreed to sit on my lap for a while - it's been a long time since this happened!)

How are all of you doing? Well enough at least, I hope. I've been better, but I'm doing my best to keep thinking and moving forward. 

The hardest part is that I'm in one of those betwixt and between modes. You know, where there are things you want to do, and plenty of things you should do or need to do, and you just can't get going at all. I mean, I manage to get up, get dressed, etc., and feed myself, the cats, and The Tim, but all the other stuff in-between is just ... there. 

Not that I'm ever a ball of fire, mind you. But I am usually good at getting at least one or two things started or accomplished on any given day. And for the last week or so, I just can't get moving on it. 

Now, I can guess why, that's not an issue. And I am telling myself that if I can force myself to do even one small thing, that in a few more days or even next week, I'll be getting back on track. So this morning I took a walk. Not as long as I usually take, but I bundled up and got myself outside, and enjoyed it. 

And just about half an hour ago, I managed to locate the hot glue gun, plug it in to heat up, and then glue two different items that have been sitting for [I don't know how long, choose your own adventure here]. That felt good. And I even remembered to unplug said glue gun and it's cooling as I type this. 

So today? I'm doing pretty well, I think. Granted, Usual Me would be saying "You think *those* two things are major accomplishments???" but Today Me is saying "Hooray!"

You may or may not know or care that yesterday the Philadelphia Eagles football team punched their card to head to the Super Bowl (or was we call it, the Superb Owl)! That was exciting, and it's really nice to see everyone so happy about it, especially since people have been especially stressed or sad for the past week or so, if you get my drift ... 😟

What's been going on with all of you? I've kept up somewhat with everyone's blogs and social media, but that's not to say I haven't missed something. So let me know!

Otherwise, I don't have anything to regale you with or about on this chilly but not cold Monday afternoon. I do hope you are doing well, and if you are in snow or cold areas, keeping cozy. 

20 January 2025

First FO of 2025!

Hello from very cold and little bit snowy Philadelphia! I hope if you are in the cold/snow areas, you are managing to stay warm. 

I am happy to share my first FO of 2025 with you. I can't remember if I showed you anything when I started or not, but I do remember that I posted this picture on Instagram:

Project: Twelve Days of Christmas Socks
Pattern: basic vanilla sock with some texture on the leg (see notes)
Yarn: Loch Briar Knits Un-Twisted Sister base, colorway Christmas Bark
Needles: US size 1/2.25 mm
Notes: I bought this yarn in late 2023, when I saw it knit up on the Loch Briar Knits podcast on YouTube. And I knew I wouldn't get to knitting it then, but I purposely left it out so that I would make a pair of Christmas socks this year. 

Well, I had a lot going on and never got to it before Christmas, but on Christmas Day in the afternoon while The Tim was starting on our dinner, I sat down and cast on for a pair of socks. I decided since I was starting them on the First Day of Christmas, and it was Christmas-themed yarn, I would call them my Twelve Days of Christmas socks. I knew I wouldn't finish the pair in those twelve days - though I am proud of myself, because I finished the first sock on January 6, the twelfth day!

I just did a 2 x 2 rib for the cuffs, and then a texture pattern that I liked and had seen the Crazy Sock Lady do - two rows knit, two rows knit 2, purl 2. It makes a nice look, and is easy to remember.

I love the finished socks, though I do kinda wish I'd just knit them plain, because I love the look of the way the yarn is on the foot, which is stockinette. But I'm still happy with the pair, and have tucked them away to wear next year at Christmastime.

The yarn is really lovely to work with, and I will definitely buy some of her yarn again. Though at the moment, I'm trying to work from my stash for a while.

I have a bit more the half of the skein left, so I may make a two-tone Musselburgh for myself (no, not yet for The Tim, just don't talk about it!), because I just love the way the yarn knits up, and at some point I want to make a Musselburgh for myself anyway.


We had a nice, if expensive, weekend. Our third floor sink faucet stopped working, and the drain backed up. So we had to call a plumber, and get a new faucet, etc., which of course cost a lot of money, and means that the next big project we have planned will wait a while. But a) I like the new faucet much better than the old one, and b) it is WONDERFUL to have a drain that works again!

Other than that, we put away the Christmas decorations, and The Tim took the tree to be recycled/composted. We sweated through the Eagles game yesterday, and were thrilled that they won. And otherwise just watched some shows we'd recorded and cozied up with the kit kats.

All day today, knowing that it is the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I've had his quote about not judging people on the color of their skin, but rather on the content of their character in my head. 

I wonder why that particular one is so relevant to me at this moment in time  ... 

Keep warm, and keep going. We have to be ready to save ourselves starting today.

13 January 2025

There Are Rules, People!

Hello all, I hope you are well. I hope your weekend was pleasant. Ours was quiet, but it ended with the Eagles winning their playoff game and homemade corn tortillas with our dinner yesterday (courtesy of The Tim), so I'll take it.

Today let's discuss rules. Now, I will admit that I am a conundrum of a person, because a) I love rules and order, and b) I am not good with micro-managers in a work situation, and in general am someone who is highly suspicious of anyone in a top management role (especially wealthy types who are VERY impressed with themselves).  

But I'm here today to show you how something can follow the rules, but still not follow the rules. Even though the only rules I'm talking about are in my head. 

One thing out of the bazillion things that annoys me in the universe is when you go someplace and, say there are streets upon streets of colonial-era houses, and then someone (probably in a top management role, to be honest) buys one or more of the houses, and builds an ultra-modern house there. To quote a long-ago co-worker, it really "jacks my jaws." 

I'm all for variety in a neighborhood, I like seeing different houses and how people fix them up. But I also think that if you live somewhere where 95% of the houses are of a certain style, throwing in something else is just stupid. And believe me, in Center City Philadelphia, where there are a LOT of old houses, people think they are being so creative but instead I think it looks awful. (Certain neighborhoods are protected as historical, but not the whole city.)

Which is why this particular house always makes me happy when I walk past it.


Now, you may not like it at all, but this to me is acceptable. This is clearly two rowhouses turned into a single home. And it's modern, but not ultra-modern and when you are walking along this street and see it, it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, really (even though I have isolated it here). You can see in my photo there is a typical rowhouse on one side of it - I didn't manage to get the one on the other side, but it's a typical brick rowhouse that is actually the same height as this one. So as you are walking down the street (or driving, I guess, I never do), you notice it but you aren't hit in the face with LOOK AT MY BIGGER MODERN HOUSE AMONG THESE OLD THINGS.  It uses red brick, like most of the houses on this street, and so it actually blends in while also being different. 

I'm sure the people who re-did the house and/or live there would be happy to know that I approve of their design, because it follows rules that I think make sense. 😉

Unlike some just ugly houses near us that I'll have to show you sometime. In one case, they tore down an entire half block of rowhouses to build new ones that would have elevators and "dip pools." 🙄 In another case, they took an empty lot and built two ugly "rowhouses" on the corner. I call these two sets of buildings "Ugly" (first example), and "Butt Ugly" (second example). 

Don't get me wrong - I love architecture, and a lot of different styles. But I hate things that seem to have been built to not fit into an area. It really annoys me, and as I have told The Tim on many occasions, I wish I could be in charge so such things could be avoided. Which he then reminds me that I want to be in charge of so many things, I wouldn't have time for them all anyway. Which is true. So I guess it's a good thing I'm in charge of nothing ... because really, I don't want to be top management either ... 

What can I say? I'm full of contradictions.

And don't even get me started on a set of houses built in the neighborhood about ten years ago with a numbering system that causes my OCD to take over. (I seriously at all costs avoid walking past them, and if I have to, I walk on the other side of the street. The Tim finds this more than amusing. Which of course irritates me even more.)