19 May 2007


Up to date ...

I was pleasantly surprised when I went to update my sidebar, and realized that the only things mentioned in my last post not there, were the link and button for the Knitters Tea Swap 3. So I wasn't as out of synch with that as I had thought, which was a nice feeling, particularly during my malaise!

Equality for all felines ...

I realized that since I have started my [supposed] knitting blog, Tess has gotten a lot less "face time" than the other kitties. This is partly because of all of them, she is the one most likely to keep to herself, and so is not necessarily around when the camera is out. So in the interest of equal time and exposure, here's a recent picture of her.

She's not all that happy right here, but I can't blame her, as I woke her up to take this photo ... I'm pretty sure that shortly after, she headed upstairs to update the kitty jihad website we're certain she operates ...

7 random things ...

Over the past few weeks, I have been tagged by several people for a meme traveling through knit-blog-land. I specifically remember being tagged by Kim and the Femminista, and if you are reading this, and I haven't mentioned you, it's nothing personal, just my sieve-like brain at work. Or, I guess more accurately, not at work. Anyway, the premise is that you reveal 7 random things about yourself, and tag 7 other people.

1. My belly button is fake.

2. I used to work for one of the Rockefellers.

3. I was once "detained" by the District of Columbia Police for waving at Mikhail Gorbachev. (It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But they kept asking me, "What do you hope to gain by waving to Mr. Gorbachev?" Huh?)

4. When I was little, I loved Lorna Doone cookies (still do). But for whatever reason, I always called them "Lassie cookies."

5. I cannot STAND it when someone makes a mistake, and says, "My bad."

6. My imaginary childhood friends were always animals, rather than people. Occasionally, they were talking animals (a la Mr. Ed), but usually they were not.

7. The only food I miss since becoming a vegetarian is kielbasa at Christmastime. Veggie kielbasa doesn't even come close.

Since I think I may be the last one around to have posted my random things, I can't think of anyone who's left to tag. Certainly if you are reading this, and have the desire to share, be my guest. (I will admit that doing this caused me to wonder how people do come up with those "100 things about me" lists they post on their blog sidebars ... I had hard time digging up 7 things ...)

Now I must sign off, as it's time to catch up on the many, many shows I have recorded in the past couple of weeks. So please don't send me e-mail, or post in the comments, how they ended their respective seasons ...


the wicked witch of the east said...

i think my favorite random thing about you is your hatred of winnie the pooh...opps my bad...was i not suppose to mention that??

Carol said...

So when the D.C. police stopped you for your inappropriate wave, did you keep on stuffing that kielbasi in your mouth while saying "my bad"?

By the way, my brother makes homemade kielbasi...

If you have a fake belly button, does that mean you are a space alien?

Maureen said...

Fake belly button???

teabird said...

I can't help it - sorry - fake belly button?! You can't just (as it were) leave that out there. Or in there. Or whichever you chose.

Ann said...

No placenta during gestation? Are you perhaps reptilian?

Anne said...

Your kitty looks so unhappy with you!