25 November 2011

Rules of Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.  Ours was especially nice, and the weather was even cool and sunny,  so that we were able to take an afternoon walk along the river.  A nice relaxing day and evening, too much food, and just the right amount of leftovers.  Win!

I did make several observations, and decided that all would benefit from reading about them.  Because, you know, I'm such a deep thinker and all ... (and, in my Bridget-centric world that exists only in my head, I really think that I should be in charge of most holiday things).  

1.  One of the reason I am a fan of Nordstrom's is their philosophy for decorating the store for the holiday season.  Yes, the various departments have the merchandise that is especially designated for Christmas/holiday shoppers, but the store itself does not put out their decorations or play any Christmas music until after Thanksgiving.  This is the way it should be, and if I were in charge of things, this is the way it would be.  So there.  (Now granted I can't afford a lot of stuff at Nordstrom's but I always try to buy a lipstick or tights or something like that there to show my support.  And as you can see, it has apparently worked - they are still in business!)

2.  Since I have been a little girl, we have always watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (or as we referred to it, the "Macy's Day parade").  My mother told me that the only time before Christmas Eve that the REAL Santa was around was to ride in the float in the parade.  (This made perfect sense to me, BTW.) Alas, this tradition is in danger of being discontinued, for the following reasons:  a) I find it highly annoying to watch people I don't know and/or not lip-synch songs, b) the ONLY ones who should escort Santa for his appearance should be the Rockettes, and c) Mrs. Santa has no business being on the float.  I love Mrs. Santa, but she needs to stay put to be sure that things are going well at the North Pole.  I just don't think she should be part of the parade.  (And lest you feel I am anti-Mrs. Claus, I am a feminist, and want her to be able to do her thing - not just be Santa's wife.  I enjoy going places with The Tim, but there are some things that are all his to do.)

3.  Since we moved to Philadelphia, we have gone a few times to the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day parade which is lots of fun.  However, it's been ruined because: a) now that the channel sponsoring it and broadcasting it is an ABC station, the whole thing is a Disney commercial, and b) even worse, not only does Mrs. Claus regularly appear on the float with Santa, but they are both waving American flags.  This is WRONG because Santa does not favor or represent any specific country.  Ever.

4.  The Dallas Cowboys should never appear in a Thanksgiving Day game.  If they somehow mistakenly do, they should be soundly trounced by the other team, regardless of what team that may be.

5.  No store should ever open on Thanksgiving, or at 12 midnight on the day after.  Thanksgiving should always be Thanksgiving, and no one needs any of the stuff they open early to sell that badly.  If stores really feel it is necessary, it should be the administrative managers who work, since they are the ones making the decision.

6.  Yes, I am aware that when the Europeans arrived, it all started to go downhill quickly for the Native Americans.  But Thanksgiving is not the time to say to someone, "I hope you enjoy the day that commemorates the genocide of an entire people."  Anyone who says something like that to me is immediately dead to me forever.

And now, you have the Rules of Thanksgiving according to Bridget.  You're welcome.  ;-)


Jenn said...

Every year when I turn on the Macy's parade, I am all "maybe there will be a marching band!" But this year, in the short bit of time I had it on, there was one float and the rest of it was announcers blah-blahing or people lip-synching. NO.

Also, now that Thanksgiving is passed, I will very happily rock the Christmas music but until then NO CHRISTMAS. I know it's not new for the stores to start pushing it in October (I remember blogging about it several years ago) but that does not make it OK.

Anonymous said...

I DEFINITELY agree about the decorations and music. Christmas starts as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade ends. Full stop. No exceptions. And Black Friday is just obscene.

Karen W said...

I'm totally with you about Thanksgiving. You would have loved the Philadelphia parade of my childhood, which went down Market St, not the Parkway (thus giving it the cool look of the Macy parade) and finished with Santa ascending a fire truck ladder into the window of Gimbel's Department store. After which he was available to see kids and take requests.

Kat Knits said...

I'm with you completely on number 5!!! And As for the Macy's parade... Made the mistake of watching it last year after too many years of not watching it... And it's all one bigarsed commercial. Bungholes... It was better when I was 5 or 6...

Dianne said...

I agree wholeheartedly with everything in your post...especially #5. This is the second year in a row that I have worked at Michaels on Thanksgiving. They are open from 4-10pm on Thanksgiving day, and it is just plain wrong! No one really needs glitter-covered crap that bad that Michaels needs to be open on Thanksgiving!!! Rant over. I feel better now! :-)

Kim said...

And glorious rules they are.

Marie said...

Good rules. I like 'em!

Lorraine said...

Bridget- And now, we get Christmas songs before Halloween, which is just crass.

Do something about it, will ya?

Carrie#K said...

I love your rules. Clearly living in a Bridget-centric universe would be better for all of us. I love Nordstrom's decorating policy and Black Friday is a mystery to me. Why would anyone want to start it at midnight? Crazy.

"I hope you enjoy the day that commemorates the genocide of an entire people."? I mean yes but wow.

Guinifer said...

I am crowing with delight at ALL of your rules!