11 November 2018

On the Hundredth Anniversary

... of the 11th hour of the 11th year of the 11th month, I hope you will remember the young men who went to fight a war that was unlike any other, and that they were not remotely prepared to comprehend.

My mother had an uncle who fought briefly in World War I.  He was sent home with shell shock, and lived the remainder of his life in a VA hospital in Marion, Indiana.  My parents visited him once, but he of course had no idea who they were, or why they were there.  His story is one for another time.

But in the meantime, I hope that today - even if you end up in the rain - you will take a moment to say a prayer or have a thought for his soul, and all of the souls who only tried to do what was asked.

This is one of the few poems or songs that really captures the sadness of the war to me.  Have a listen, and be glad that these soldiers, those who came after them, and those who are in harm's way still, make it possible for us to have the right to rail against war.


AsKatKnits said...

I was profoundly struck by PM Trudeau's comments from a year ago - they are even more appropriate today: As we sit here in the rain, thinking how uncomfortable we must be, as our suits get wet and our hair gets wet and our shoes get wet, it's all the more fitting that we remember on that day, In Dieppe, the rain wasn't rain, it was bullets.

rue said...

Some of my family survived fighting in the First and the Second World War, some did not.
Remembering both the sacrifice and the reasons for the sacrifice is the least we should do.

Kim in Oregon said...

Thank you for this post.

Meredith said...

Such a sad day, I chose to remember all who have fallen in every war. And if it rains, I'll go out in it and say a prayer rain should never come in the way of remembering our fallen soldiers, but that too is for another day.

Araignee said...

I have been very moved by all the ceremonies they are having over in France. The sight of all those leaders walking down to the Champs d"Elysee this morning was breathtaking. I am so used to seeing all that scenery with bicycles whizzing by and this was such a contrast-so sober and moving. We forget sometimes all those monuments have a deeper meaning than just being a tourist attraction.
My grandmother's brother fought over in France during that war. In fact, I am a bit ashamed to say we have a candlestick he brought back from a cathedral in Rheims. It was quite the family heirloom.

kathy b said...

A wonderful honorable post.

Kym said...

Thank you.