12 August 2021

Grande Finale Prize Winner!

I know that we are moving into two weeks past the end of Christmas in July, but as promised, I did choose a winner for the Grande Finale Prize earlier today.  I'm not going to post a photo of it here - I decided to wait until she has received it, and then I can show photos and tell you about it.

You may or may not recall that to be eligible for said prize, the only thing you needed to do was to comment on any of the Christmas in July posts - so if you commented once, you had once chance; if you commented 4 times, you had four times the chance to win.  I took all of the names each time, wrote then on a piece of paper, and put them in a bowl.  I mixed them around, and put them on the floor, where Pip happened to be the one around, so he chose the winner. And so, the person whose name was on the piece of paper that Pip first started to chew is:


Congratulations!!  Please send your name and mailing address to me at thekittyknitterATverizonDOTnet.  I'll get the package ready, and let you know when it's on the way.

Again, thanks to everyone who commented and participated.  This morning I was thinking it was so long ago, but then realized that we are only talking a little bit of time since the end of July - time does indeed not wait for us.  😊


I did in fact survive my walk back and forth to the SEPTA headquarters yesterday to get my Senior Pass so I can ride for free on public transportation going forward.  But it did knock me out for the rest of the day, and when I got home, I was drenched with sweat.  

(not actually me)

Fortunately, I had a little wait once I got there which allowed me to both cool down and dry off a bit.  In the end, even though I had made an effort to pull myself together so the photo had a better chance to get a decent photo, it didn't matter.  The woman who took the photo didn't tell me where to sit ("I thought you'd know") and also took the photo off-center.  So the photo looks like it was taken from about 5 miles away.  Oh well, I have the card now that's what matters.

Not much else to report.  Today is even hotter than yesterday (how that is possible, I don't know, but there you go), and so inside is the place to be.  

Tomorrow I will be at work all day because it is the first day of BugFest, and this year the Library and Archives will be doing tours for those in attendance who are interested.  Hopefully we'll get some takers, but in any case, it will be an extra reason to be happy that it's Friday!  

So now you're all caught up.  If you are also baking somewhere in the heat, I hope you can manage to keep cool.  Take care.


sprite said...

Woo hoo, Witchknit!

Araignee said...

Congrats to the winner!
Bugfest sounds like fun. I could have my own right here in my yard. It's been one buggy year.

Nance said...

Congrats to WitchKnit. I know it will be an extravagant prize.

We're just swimming in a bowl of soup over here in NEO. The heat and humidity is exhausting. And yes, I'm having a little BugFest of my own with ugly stripey houseflies that keep sneaking in and driving me nuts.

And let's not talk about little bitey flies at the lake. Ugh.

Try to stay cool this weekend.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Congrats to the winner!

I feel you. I have so much to tackle in the yard. I've been waiting until about 7 each evening. I get an hour worth of work done if I'm lucky, and I come in soaked to the bone.
This weekend is supposed to be a little better. But... I have drywall work to do (which I can't do during the week because of day job) Blech!

Meredith said...

Congrats to the big winner, as typical I missed out on much of the fun. You are so nice to do this in the summer. Good luck at Bugfest!

kathy b said...

Bugfest..... this shou1d be fun