01 June 2022

Happy June!

Well, at least I hope it will be happy for most of the month for all of you, even if not every day is perfect.

Our trip to West Virginia was wonderful, though it started out sketchy.  It was raining a bit on Friday when we left Philadelphia, and it was pretty foggy, but nothing to really worry about.  However, by the time we got to Somerset, PA (where weather is always an issue, no matter what time of year!), it was raining so hard, you couldn't even see the lights on cars ahead of you, much less the cars, the lines on the road, the twists and turns - well, you get the picture.  So much for our plan to stop on the way to see the Flight 93 Memorial.  Hopefully we can do it next time.

So we stopped for lunch off of the turnpike - way deep into Pennsyltucky territory!  I mean, it was really creepy to see the signs, clothing, hats, well, whatever you can imagine all extolling the wonderfulness of our former terrible President.  Ick.  But we did find a nice diner, and our waitress was adorable (The Tim: I think we have found Kimmy Schmidt), so we had a wonderful lunch.  By the time we left, there was not a drop of rain falling, go figure.

Fortunately, for the rest of the trip - getting there and coming home - that was the extent of bad weather.

We had a great time, just hanging out, enjoying catching up with everyone.  We played bocce, took a couple of hikes, and did as much porch sitting and laughing as humanly possible (which is when we caught up on our wine and other beverage drinking, for those who may be wondering).  This is the sum total of the photos I took:

This is one of the views from the porch at my sister's house.

The weather was stunning.  Highs during the day of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with nighttime temperatures of 65-70 degrees - open window weather!  I still can't believe how we lucked out!

We were also fortunate that we didn't run into any traffic either way - unusual for a holiday weekend, but it makes everything so much more relaxed.

Then back to real life.  It happens, what are you gonna do??

I am hoping that June will be a kinder month than May turned out to be.  I know of two things in particular that will be good for us, one that is happening later this week, and then another at the end of the month, if all goes well.  Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.

And for any of us who might like to know that all is not lost (and these days, isn't that all of us?), here is an article that a friend posted on social media that I really appreciated.  I'm not usually one for inspirational reading, but I think this is a good one.  I hope it will give you some hope.

Have a good rest of the week, everyone - we've already got most of it under our belts!


Kim in Oregon said...

Sounds like a lovely, much needed break.

Araignee said...

Your weekend sounds lovely! I'm glad the weather cooperated. It was hot as blazes here.

Kym said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed such wonderful weather for your weekend . . . especially after such a rough beginning. I look forward to hearing all about the good things coming up that you alluded to. (I always love a little suspense!) And I always appreciate reading articles from The Daily Good . . . they tend to make me think and remind me that all is not lost. Thanks for sharing that particular article, Bridget. Here's to a good June for all of us. XO

Nance said...

I am familiar with those environs along your route. It's like alien landscape, isn't it? Thank heavens you made it through. ;-)

I, too, am holding out hope for June. It's good you got away and visited your family for some fun. Here's to better days ahead for everyone.

Patti said...

Your observation about the weather in Somerset made me smile. My family traveled to Pittsburgh from Maryland every holiday the entire time my parents were alive, and without fail, whenever we went through that dam tunnel on the turnpike, the weather would be terrible!
And a stop at the Flight 93 Memorial is a must.

Meredith MC said...

Thank you for sharing that article. I find myself strengthened by the knowledge that I’m not alone.