10 April 2023

Easter Goodies

Hello all, and I hope you had a good weekend. Ours was very nice, and it was even sunny on Easter Sunday! It was chilly, but I don't care, because I was just happy it was sunny for all the people who were traveling or being outside.

We were thrilled because clearly the Easter Bunny thought it was worth it to stop at our house.

The kitties each got a basket, and a can of fancy food. Their baskets were a big hit.

Pip loved his so much, he knocked it over about four times while rubbing against it.

Milo the Koodle was somewhat suspicious of the Peep included in his basket.

And Alfie was intrigued by the whole thing - maybe he never got a basket before?

The Tim and I got some goodies too, if you look in the first photo. There was a chocolate bunny and a chocolate chicken sitting on a basket for us. We have no complaints ... 😊

It was a relaxing day. The Tim took two naps (what else is new?) and I took a short walk to get outside, then did some knitting and some reading. (It felt good to not have to work on a Sunday!) Dinner was yummy, and though we missed our usual company, we had a really good holiday weekend.

This week is actually - at least at this point - looking pretty quiet, which is fine with me. I'm hoping I can get a couple of declutter projects started, and I'm thinking of getting a pedicure later this week, just because. I also want to get out into the garden later in the week and start cleaning up out there. Other than regularly scheduled work, there are no other specifically scheduled things happening, which is nice because next week looks like it will be a real killer.

I hope the coming week will be a good one for all of us. I have a reading report and some new knitting starts to share with you, so look for those to show up. 

Have a good springtime week ahead!


Araignee said...

What a beautiful display! Lucky kitties to get those baskets of goodies. I cooked some chicken thighs for my furry friends so they got a special dinner too.

Kim in Oregon said...

Sounds like a good week coming up and I LOVED all the kitten-and-basket photos!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

There were no Easter treats for us, as Dave has gone sugar-free and I'm trying to be supportive (though he can have my cola when he pries it from my cold dead hands).
It was a lovely weekend though with beautiful weather!

I love the cats with their baskets! So cute!

Kym said...

Enjoy your "open" week, Bridget. And you guys sure celebrate Easter in a lovely way! (Even if there were no highly inappropriate egss this year . . . ) Happy spring! XO

karen said...

Happy Easter!