15 May 2023

FO-rogging I Shall Go

Hello there! I have nothing terribly exciting to report, I'm afraid. Remember these socks I've been knitting?

Yeah, I did finish them. And you know what? I'm going to frog them. I finished knitting them, and tried them on, and they are fine, but I don't really like the fit. Just overall, not in one single place I can re-knit and fix. I know if I left them as they are, I would just never wear them. And though I have plenty of yarn left to give these away and knit another pair for myself, I'm not sure who I could give them to, since even if they fit someone else better, I have no one who would take the care to wash them without having them start to shrink almost immediately.

I generally wash my handknit socks in the gentle cycle, and then hang them to dry. I have found that it keeps them from shrinking and/or getting somewhat felted. I used to just put them in the wash and the dryer, but they didn't last very long that way. And after all of the time knitting them, it killed me that they were finished after only a few wears.

So, I'm planning to frog these, and either re-knit them using the frogged yarn at some point, or used the frogged yarn for something down the line and make another pair with the leftover yarn for myself. I like the yarn too much to just toss the one pair and start another. So it will be reclaimed, and all of it put away to knit another day in another way.

I'm disappointed, but not really upset or sad. I think I've finally reached the point in my knitting life when I'm just as happy to start over and have something work better as I am to start something the first time ever. I'll live, and besides, it's only knitting, right??

I hope we all have a good week, full of fresh starts, or happy continuations. Take care.


Dee said...

Around here we call that getting "good mileage" from your yarn, even if all you are doing is driving in circles. LOL

Kim in Oregon said...

I'm impressed that you can make your peace with frogging the socks. I'd just bury them in a drawer.

Nance said...

Wow. I'm in awe of your Acceptance and Maturity. I'd probably keep them for a guest to use or something. No way I'd be able to unravel a finished product. Bravo!

Kym said...

Frogging . . . is part of knitting. I always remember the big sampler my home ec teacher had hanging in her classroom: "So shall you sew, so shall you rip." Which applies equally well to knitting! Good for you for letting the ill-fitting (but cute!) socks go. XO

Araignee said...

That is disappointing but you've got the right attitude. It is just knitting and that yarn can have a whole new life in a different project that makes you happy. I wash my handknit socks in a salad spinner I keep just for the job. I don't trust The Mister with putting anything in the wash for me. He's ruined many a beloved handknit.