20 July 2023

Christmas in July, Week 3

Here we are in Week 3 already of Christmas in July!

This week I have a challenge for you as the question:

Pretend there are no holidays at all (THE HORROR!), and you get to create one. Here's what I want to know:

1. What would it be called?
2. When would be?
3. What would be the 'official' way it would be celebrated?
4. What food(s) and/or traditions would be associated with it?

This week, the prize is this one:

This really lovely project bag (or I guess you could use it as a purse, but whatever), and a pair of needle gauge earrings from Katrinkles.

The bag is very nice - it has a bottom that can make it stand up, and there is a lining you can bring out with a drawstring closure if you have it really packed with goodies.

Please comment on this post ONLY, by midnight EDT on Tuesday, July 25; I'll announce the winner the next day. 

This is my answer, in case you were wondering, or even if you weren't, because hey, my blog, my rules!

The holiday I would create would be for my birthday which is in March. The actual day of my birthday, March 14, would be in the middle - so the holiday would encompass March 13, 14, and 15, and businesses, schools, etc. would be required to be closed so people could enjoy it. With a three-day holiday, people can enjoy the day before, the day of, and the day after! I would call it  Marchtime.

It would be celebrated by allowing everyone to have at least one shelter pet come and live with them,*; and on the main day of the holiday (March 14), anyone and everyone who didn't have enough food would go to a church, recreation center, etc., and receive a voucher for one year's worth of food from anyplace they like - if they want to spend it all on junk food at McDonald's or someplace, fine; if they would rather spend it on buying groceries, also fine. It's their voucher, no one else can decide what they should do with it. But it is only good for that year, so they can't be hoarded. 

The main food associated with the holiday would be chocolate in any form - candy, cookies, cake, beverages, etc.  Not to say others couldn't have things their own way - I know everyone doesn't like chocolate (I know it but I don't get it), but that would be the original tradition. Also, on the main day - the 14th - the holiday dinner would always include mashed potatoes.

So there you are. I'm sure I could/would make many adjustments to this given more time and more thought, but I know I at least would enjoy this! 😃

I'll be curious to hear your responses!

*People who don't like animals would not be included in this practice; people who are allergic, etc. would be exempt from having a shelter pet live with them, but people who don't like animals would probably not want to observe this holiday anyway. They could be the ones who had to go to work instead ...

The weekend is upon us - we have no specific plans, as far as I know, but the weather is actually supposed to be somewhat agreeable, so I know for sure that I'll take a walk at some point to actually enjoy being outside. Most of my family is gathering in NYC this weekend, and I'm sad to miss it, but I couldn't find someone to take my shift on Sunday at work. Maybe just as well - staying home will definitely be cheaper, LOL!

I hope you have a good weekend and hopefully a break if you are also somewhere with extreme weather. 


Araignee said...

This is a hard one....

I think all holidays should be moved to cooler months so I would have to say we need a holiday for the first measurable snowfall of the year. I'd call it First Snow Day. Everyone gets off work. Everything closes down for the day so we can romp around in our pj's drinking hot chocolate and baking sugar cookies all morning. Then snowmen should be made after clearing off the elderly neighbors paths and helping each other dig out. Of course, here in the DC area this is exactly how it's done any time it snows since we are all terrified of it but I'd make it official so no one has to feel guilty about calling in sick. It would also save a lot on insurance claims since it turns into bumper cars out there at the first sign of a flake. We all need a day to get it out of our system.

Patricia Shaker said...

Hi Bridget these are such lovely gifts. And I love the idea of your birthday holiday! I would have a holiday named Rainbow Bridge Day to remember all the precious pets that have passed on. It would be on February 17, the day I adopted Lilly my cat. People could donate to shelters, or volunteer at shelters, give money to shelters or adopt a pet. For food, I would eat any kind of fish! 🐈

Kim in Oregon said...

I think I'd make a 'national no-car day' where no one is allowed to drive a car. Like a personal car. It would be on a Saturday in September. There could be public transport and places like Malls and Stadiums could arrange busses to bring people to their establishment. But otherwise, there would be neighborhood picnics and bbqs and a time for communities to come together. No-cars is just the excuse.

Now that I write this down it is a lame holiday, but I gave it a try.

KSD said...

So, who do we see about this? Our senators? There has to be a centralized bureau for this type of thing. If not, may we all celebrate March 14th in our own, happy ways.

WendyKnits said...

My grandmother had this idea ages ago: One giant holiday that encompassed all holidays. She called it "The Fourth of Ju-Christmas." The idea was that everyone could tailor the celebration to their own needs/desired.

Kym said...

Okay. I had to think about this one for awhile . . . But my holiday would be GARDEN DAYS, a week-long extravaganza in early June (in the Northern Hemisphere; appropriate date switching for the Southern Hemisphere) to celebrate All Things Gardening. There would be garden tours and plant swaps and free seeds and workshops. There would be tables of free gardening gifts for all . . . pruners and gloves and pots and trowels. There would be a general spirit of sharing and learning from each other, and we'd all be encouraged and motivated to create beautiful spaces and take care of our world. XO

Karen51 said...

I think I’d call my holiday “Go For It Day.” Right now I am on a very restricted diet and I am thinking about how fun it would be to just eat anything I wanted. ” so, the food would be chips and chocolate and custard with all the goodies mixed in. Such a dream.

Anonymous said...

If I had my way there would be a holiday every month of the year. In Canada where I live we have holidays every month except either Marc or April depending when Easter falls. And no holiday in June. So my vote would be sometime in June. I’d call it world day. Everyone anywhere should have day off unless essential. And there would definitely be cake and lots of it. Lol
Aka seajaes on ravelry.

Meredith MC said...

Julie I think your holiday idea is fabulous, but I would move it to a month where school isn’t already out for a week. Like April. There are no holidays in April, and I can attest that it’s a long month. Those that want days off but don’t want to bring animals home for whatever reason could just donate generously to shelters. Please don’t put me in the drawing since I just won (yay). I just wanted to play along.

Cynthia said...

I think we need an official "Craft Swap" Day!! Everyone can bring all the crafting things they do not want anymore. Everything gets set up in a common area of the town or even a gymnasium. People can swap for FREE with anyone. It would be in August just before the Christmas crafting season officially begins. People could also bring snacks or baked goods with recipes to share or swap!
There could be different age categories....and maybe some people could offer to show how they make some of the crafts. THis would not be a craft fair but a SWAP Fair.