11 August 2023

I'm Glad It's Friday, But Blergh ...

OK, I've had better weeks, I have to say. And for anyone who is waiting for a prize from me, I have to apologize. I have been sick all week with a killer cold, and have hardly had the energy to do much of anything. I'm not sure where I picked up the cold, but it sure did a number on me. 

I was finally starting to feel like a human again yesterday, but then I went to the dentist. Years ago, I had the last tooth on the bottom of my right side filled at the dentist, and it was traumatic. Mostly because the dentist was one of those, "Don't be ridiculous, it can't hurt that much" types, and though he kept hitting the nerve, he thought I was being melodramatic. So when my current dentist said that I would need to have a crown put on that tooth, I was not looking forward to it. 

Yesterday was the day, and I have to give her credit, she numbed my mouth well enough that all I felt was pressure when she was working in there. So it was not nearly as traumatic, but it did take a long time. And once the novacaine wore off, it was really sore - the tooth area and my whole jaw, from all of the drilling, being propped open, etc. So I took a whole lot of Tylenol for the rest of the day!

But ugh, I did not sleep well and then when I woke up this morning, I had a really swollen jaw, with a HUGE, dark bruise. I look like I've been in a prizefight, and came out on the bad end of it. Sigh.

And because I do have a certain degree of vanity, I decided that I am unwilling to leave the house today and go out in public (besides that I'm tired from not sleeping). It's disappointing, besides everything else, because I had made plans to meet my friend Louise for lunch today, and that is always so much fun. But I know she'll be willing to reschedule, and I can take a nap and avoid people saying "hilarious" things like, "Wow, I'd like to see the other guy" and having to be polite about it.

But, you know - BLERGH.

Anyway, I'm surely on the mend, and it will all be OK and hopefully nothing else will need to be done with this tooth for another 50 years. But what a week - especially since this time last week, I felt just fine, and though I was not looking forward to going to the dentist, it was no big deal.

So much for that!

Anyway, I know I'm on the mend, and will try to catch up with everything and everyone this coming week. In the meantime, let's all have the best weekend we can, and if you have anything fun planned, I hope it is even better than you hoped. See you next week!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

sounds to me like you definitely deserve to take it easy for a little while! Hope you feel better soon!

Araignee said...

Ouch! How awful. I had a crown done recently and it was terribly traumatic for me. That new Novocaine stuff they use gives me a terrible reaction and I hate it. I have another tooth acting up but I'm babying it because I don't want to sit through that long, awful ordeal again and have them put that awful stuff in my mouth.
Hope you're on the mend soon.

Kim in Oregon said...

Glad you can take it easy. I had that cold--it was a killer.

Patricia & Fouad Shaker said...

Good afternoon Bridget. I hope to are feeling better today. I too hate going to the dentist. Take care and rest. Pat xx

Alison said...

Ouch! Don't know about you, but for me, the pain at the dentist is two fold - physical and fiscal. Nowadays when people mention they are going for dental treatment, someone invariably says, “have you got the mortgage arranged?”

Hope you are feeling better soon, and I re-iterate, no need to used any much needed funds to send a parcel down under.

Nance said...

Ugh, dental work. 'Nuff said. Take good care of yourself.

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

Hope you feel better from the cold soon and your jaw eases up soon too! Dental pain is the absolute worst!

KSD said...

Wow! Swelling AND a bruise? I'm so, so sorry. I hope it's easing up a bit.
I've been told, during all my dental stuff of late, that combining acetaminophen and ibuprofen wirjs as wekk as a oainkiller. Four times, four different sources told me this.

Kym said...

Sometimes dental work can really feel like . . . you've been beat up! I hope you're feeling better -- with less swelling and bruising by now. (Sending the healing juju.) And summer colds are just gross. I mean . . . it's bad enough to get a cold in the cold months, but in the summer? They are intolerable. I hope this is a better week for you, Bridget. XO

the wicked witch of the east said...

would you say that you were as week as a kitten or it was so bad that austrailia was the place to be ;) feel better soon