25 October 2023

Hump Day Musings

Well, as you may know, our Phillies lost the last game they could lose in the series that could have sent them to the World Series. Sigh. It was all incredibly disappointing, especially since they started so strong. But it was clearly not to be. Yes folks, the D-Bags are headed to the Series, they will play the Texas Rangers. I hope the fans of those teams will show up and show their support. Needless to say, I don't want the D-Bags to win, and I have a personal bias against any teams from Texas, so I will likely read about who wins and loses but will not be watching any of the games. Besides, since they will all be in the west, they will start later around here, and as an old person, I go to bed not that much after they start. 😊 

But thanks anyway, Phillies - it was sure fun while it lasted!

In other news, Pip is sending me over the moon with his sweetness:


Can you stand it???

He is really so cuddly and sweet, and always has been. But there are just some times when it's over the top, you know? Right now as I type this, he is sitting on my lap, purring like a truck.

In my FO post from yesterday, if you saw it early in the day, I said the pattern for the mitts I made was a freebie. Vera was nice enough to  let me know that when she clicked the link, the  pattern showed as being $6.00. So I'm guessing that when I saw it, there was a short-term "Free" offer that I just happened to have the timing to see. So I apologize if you were happily clicking over to what you thought was a great free pattern, and suddenly it was a paid-for pattern! As soon as Vera let me know, I edited the post - thanks to her for letting me know! (Also go to her blog today for the BEST NEWS EVER!)

Speaking of best news, next week is Halloween, which means that Thanksgiving is coming, and Christmas after that (Vera got an early Christmas present, it seems to me ❤) - it's holiday time for sure. I just love this time of year, with so many happy things going on and all of the anticipation in the air. But it does also make me realize that the year is getting pretty close to the end, and frankly that part never quite computes with me. It always seems surprising, and I don't know why because it's not like it's only an occasional occurrence ... 

I think I've said this before, but one of the best things about my job a the yarn store is that I get to knit with yarns I would not otherwise be able to afford. We all have "store projects" assigned to us that we work on when things are quiet, and then those projects (sometimes just swatches) are store samples. Right now, I'm knitting something with a yarn completely new to me, Studio Misha & Puff. Apparently this yarn has a kind of cult following in Japan, and it's flying off the shelves in places where it's being sold. It's nice and squishy, I have to say, and they have lovely colors. But it would be pricey for something like a sweater, at least for me. So I'm enjoying the chance to knit with it at work. 

Finally, a recipe link to share. Do you like apple pie, but aren't successful with pie crust most of the time? Both The Tim and I have that issue (though his crusts are sometimes really good). Well, last weekend he made this recipe for Apple Pie Bars, and OMG are they good! He was the one who made them, and according to him, they weren't too difficult (I wasn't home when he baked them, though the house still smelled wonderful when I got home!). But I can tell you that they taste just like the best apple pie you ever tried. 

And that's it for this Wednesday. I'm off to a dr appt, then a few errands on my way home. But this afternoon, I'm hoping to do some reading and knitting. I also have to figure out what I'd like to fix for dinner, but I have plenty of time for that.

Have a good "Hump Day," and take care.


Dee said...

Awwwwwwwwwww.....Pip is so sweet. Purring gets me EVERY time.

Kim in Oregon said...

Isn't Vera's news THE BEST?

My Tim just found a recipe for apple hand pies and wants to make those this weekend. I'm not a huge pie person but of course I'll be polite and eat them!

Have not heard of that yarn but am off to find it. If your shop ships I'll buy it from them to give it a try!

Alison said...

Sorry to hear your team is no longer in the running so to speak. But it was fun for you while it lasted.

I am so glad you haven’t made a big thing about Halloween. It was unheard of here until a few years back a big box retailer decided it would be a great money spinner and flooded the tv with advertising and filled its stores with junk. Now everyone else has jumped on board. It saddens me when there is so much concern about global warming and then we see all that stuff that has probably arrived in a shipping container from across the world, will be used maybe once and then dumped in a landfill. Sorry to rant but it just saddens me.

Anyway, happy knitting.

Araignee said...

I'm so sorry about the Phillies. I was thinking of you while I watched the game.
I do love apple pie and hate making crust so I'll have to give that recipe a try the next time I have some apples.

KSD said...

Pip thinking, "I've got you right where I want you."

Kym said...

I thought of you with great sadness when I heard about the D-bags . . . (As they say in all sports . . . Wait til next year!!!) I've never heard of your floofy yarn, and will not attempt to find any because lord knows I have enough as it is. But I'll be eager to see what you make with it! LOVE Pip. XO