03 November 2023

And Now It's November

November came to Philadelphia feeling like November should! It's been cold and sunny and that's fine with me. 😊

This past week has gotten away from me. I've been kind of out of it, and though for the most part, I was able to do what I needed to do, I just felt exhausted as a result. Then on Wednesday, I got my RSV vaccine, and I didn't sleep well that night because of chills, and yesterday I just felt awful. Which is not surprising, but it meant it was kind of a lost day. I managed to get one load of laundry done, and it felt like I'd done it on a washboard down by the river, I was so wiped out! 

This year we had zero trick-or-treaters. Zero. Sigh.

Alfie and Esme are pleased though, since we put out two new cardboard scratchers. Alfie likes the wavy kind, and destroys them big-time. He was thrilled with a new one! I got a box-style one for Esme, because I thought it might make her feel safer. I think it worked.

Don't get me wrong, the others use these and enjoy them too, but the photo above is from about 10 minutes after I opened them. 

Alfie is also quite pleased because he discovered the basket cat bed that is very near the heater on the third floor. He *just* fits into it - when others have used it, there's always been plenty of room ... just saying ...

Knitting-wise, I'm busy trying to finish The Tim's Christmas socks, since his birthday is 15 days from now. I think I'll make it, since yesterday I finished the heel and got onto the body of sock #2, but that's what I've been prioritizing at the moment, so nothing else has any progress to report.

And then in just a few weeks, it will be American Thanksgiving - whaaattt??? Don't get me wrong, I adore Thanksgiving, as it is the coziest and homiest of holidays in my opinion. But I just keep being surprised that it's well on the way to being here!

Which leads me to a Gratitude Friday, which I've decided to try and do for each week in November. And of course, I'm grateful for all of the things that I have, including just for my life, but that's kind of what we should all be grateful for, right? So I'm going to try and go beyond that level and find other things.

On this Friday, I'm grateful for a good (if twisted) sense of humor. I have to tell you, I'm not sure I would have made it to this point in one piece if I didn't have humor to keep me company. Granted, I often find things funny that shouldn't be funny, but that has its own beauty too. Being able to laugh about something, or find something funny to distract myself has helped me through some serious sad times and major lows in my life. I think having grown up in a family where everyone had a good sense of humor helped too, because no matter how awful things were, there was always something that could make all of us laugh until we cried. And then I was lucky enough to find The Tim, whose sense of humor is so ridiculously similar, it's almost scary. (His sister: "No one thinks you two are as funny as you do.")

So I hope you can find something to laugh about, or that at least makes you smile as you go about your day. And I hope your weekend has a good dose of laughter in it. I know ours will, since we are going to Baltimore after The Tim gets home from work tonight for an overnight visit, and visiting my niece and her husband is always a blast.

So happy November to all of us!


Vera said...

We didn't get any trick-or-treaters either (not unusual). We got our RSV vaccines on Wednesday and neither of us had any side effects - not even sore arms! Have a fun get-away this weekend. I'm looking forward to getting together with Dee and Bonny tomorrow.

Dee said...

Happy November and safe travels!

Kim in Oregon said...

I love the idea of Gratitude Friday.

Alison said...

I think I have a great sense of humour - until I fall flat on my face with it. I belong to an online group where we share project photos, so recently put up one of a scarf I had knitted for a gift, together with the following note. “ I soaked the scarf in hair conditioner, and now it seems to be thicker and more manageable, with no flyaway bits or split ends”. No-one got it. One person wrote “well you learn something every day”. Duh!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I bought a couple of those wavy scratchers for the boys, and they loved them so much, I bought one for my Mom's cats, and my brother's cats. None of those cats touch them at all!!!

Relic has a box-style scratcher too (similar to Esme's) and it's his most favourite thing in the world - he doesn't scratch in it, just likes to sleep in it. But I've had to replace it two times now, because Lemmy likes to eat it! And he chewed it up so much it was just a pile of cardboard on the floor and poor Relic was sad.

KSD said...

Oh, I KNOW you're funny, so The Tim couldn't be anything but.

Nance said...

Happy November to you, too, Bridget. I agree that having both a sense of humour and gratitude can go a very long way toward helping us get through the tougher times in life.

I also think having a really good life partner makes the biggest difference in the world. You two make a great team.

Araignee said...

You have to love a kitty in a basket! I bought a new bed for one of ours and so far it's sitting empty. It takes a long time for mine to warm up to strange things.