11 September 2024


September 11, 2001 was a day much like today in Philadelphia - sunny, a nice breeze, a day that promised that fall weather would be coming soon, but summer had not yet said goodbye. 

And even though I know what happened, and saw it with my own eyes, and still feel it pierce my heart every single year, it still somehow seems like it couldn't have possibly really happened. 

God bless the families and the souls of those who did nothing more than just go about their lives on a nice day in September.


Kim in Oregon said...

I know what you mean. How the world changed that day.

Araignee said...

I noticed the flag at the memorial on the water was at half mast today and then I remembered why. What a day that was here in the DC area. I'd never seen armed tanks lining the highways before and I hope to never see them again.

karen said...

I won't forget and hopefully neither will others.

Nance said...

It seems impossible that it was more than 20 years ago.

Kym said...

Well said, Bridget. XO

KSD said...

I was getting ready to go have lunch with Hannah. The teachers knew, the children --- most of them --- didn't. I gave as many hugs as I could.