17 October 2024

Random Thursday

Hello there! I hope this finds you well, and taking the time to have a cup of tea or whatever your beverage of choice might be. I was in the mood to post, but had nothing specific to talk about, so today you are getting random things that have passed through my brain lately.


It's so nice to have the fridge in the kitchen. But, out of habit, every once in a while when I go to grab something, I walk out into the living/dining area and then think to myself, right, it's not here anymore. 


I am intrigued by people who go out in public wearing pajamas. Occasionally, when we had Dug and then Hamlet, I would see people walking their dogs early in the morning wearing pajamas, and a kinda/sorta understood that (though not really). But I'm talking about people who go to the grocery store, or the dentist - you know, places you'd expect to see people in actual clothing. Not that I am a fashion plate necessarily every time I leave the house. But I at least change out of my PJs.


Yesterday I got my hair cut. The person who was cutting my hair was talking about people who come into the salon and pay many dollars to have their hair colored professionally. She was wondering aloud if they realized that these days, at-home hair color was really good. I found this fascinating, as I have never known a salon person before who said anything at all positive about do-it-yourself hair color.


A woman who I used to work with and taught the basics of knitting posted a photo on Instagram showing her wearing a tank top she had completed. I commented that it looked great, and she sent me a private message thanking me for getting her into knitting. She said she took a break while her kids were little (she has three kids, only about a year apart), but got back to it and thanks to me, remembered learning the basics. I was happy to hear she was enjoying it. Because you never know when someone stops knitting if it was due to certain circumstances, or because they just didn't like the whole process.


It will probably not surprise you to know that I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that Kamala Harris is elected in November. REALLY. If I never have to hear about her opponent, see him (unless in prison stripes) or hear his voice again, my life will be a good one. Should things go south, I truly don't know what I will do. I am being 100 percent serious when I say that the four years that he was in office messed with both my mental and physical health in serious ways.


At my volunteer gig on Tuesday, a guy came to look at all of the kitties available for adoption. He told me that he is trying to get a friend of his to adopt a cat, but she is hesitant because she has never had a pet. They guy and his wife have a cat and a dog, and he said he was never an animal person before he met his wife, but now he is in love with them. And he said that to him, the difference between dogs and cats is that "One is automatic love, and the other makes you earn it, every day." He's not wrong. 😊


I am slowly trying to come to terms with the fact that I may never find another part-time job. I'm still applying, but, well, crickets. We are managing financially, though it's not ideal. And it's not like I long to be at work someplace full-time. Rather, I would like to be contributing something to our finances, because believe it or not, even my part-time pay previously made a huge difference for us. And having a part-time job assured that I would get out of the house and participate in society on a regular basis. Left to my own devices, I go for my walks every morning, and yes I *see* other people, but we don't really interact. Of course, I have my many health-related appointments, but they are not exactly something to look forward to doing.  Otherwise, I am at home, other than running errands, or going out to clean up some things in the garden. I am not a social person, in that I don't seek other people out - but I am glad to have my volunteer gig, so that I am around others and interact with them. And I know that especially as people get older, that's a good thing. 

I have decided though, not to count on finding another part-time job, because it was just making me feel more and more frustrated. I would apply for something, and then keep wondering why I never heard back, and drive myself nuts about it. If something works out, fine, but I'm no longer going to assume that there's surely something else out there. 

The good thing is that I have always been happy in my own company, even as a kid. And I have the cats to keep me on my toes. 😉 I just need to make sure that I don't turn into one of those scary old ladies that everyone wonders about and is slightly afraid of ... you know the ones.

(Though I doubt I could stand to have my hair so long ... 😂)

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