23 January 2010

News I Can Use!

Let me just say before I go any further, that I truly cannot believe that I forgot to mention the following here.  I think that since it all happened kinda fast, I forgot who I did or did not tell.  Some of you I have told personally, or you've found out from other sources.  But I'm coming clean here and now, and then I think everyone who I've meant to tell, will know.

The week before Christmas, there was a day when I had just paid some bills, and was literally close to tears, wondering how we were going to pay our mortgage, etc. after December, since I was unemployed.  I was giving myself a mental pep talk, but it wasn't working, and as the day went on, I was feeling more and more depressed about things.  The phone rang, and I even considered not answering.  But then I thought that maybe it was The Tim, or one of my sisters, or someone else I would enjoy talking to, so I picked up.

The person on the other end was calling to see if I would be interested in a job interview.  Somewhat stunned, I agreed to go in the next week.  I did of course tell The Tim and a few people I would use as job references, but otherwise kept quiet because I didn't want to tempt fate.  (After 50+ years, I have finally learned my lesson!  Well, at least this time ...)  Said interview went well, which was a nice feeling.  Fortunately, I was so busy with Christmas stuff, I had no more time to a) worry about not having a job, or b) worry about whether or not I would be offered a job.

To make a long story short, this past week I had my first four days of work at my new job!!  (They were closed on MLK Day.)  I am now the serials librarian and cataloger at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.  It is funded for only a year, but a year with a paycheck beats any uncertain amount of time with no paycheck, don't you agree?  (Yes, in my perfect world, I would have the chance to reinvent myself and change careers without a hitch, have awesome hair and shoes, win numerous writing awards, and make a mint of money.  But I am too lazy to consider have no idea how I would like to be reinvented career-wise, which is a serious drawback ...)

So now I am employed in a really cool place, with nice people, doing something I know how to do (well, it's coming back to me - I didn't even think of the stuff over the past year ...), and they are paying me to be there!  There were flowers on my desk on the first day, and I have a nice big window so that I can enjoy outside without having to be outside no matter what the weather is like. 

Oh, and did I mention they have a lunchtime knitting group on Thursdays?  I didn't see that coming!  I may not have the chance to go, since one of my responsibilities is covering someone else's lunch break, and I think it's usually at the time the knitters meet.  But I've already had a pleasant conversation about knitting with one of the scientists (whose name or department I have forgotten), so if nothing else, I may be able to talk about knitting with some people at work from time to time.   

I'm not a very religious person (though I do consider myself spiritual; in any event, I'm not getting into that here), but you know that saying that when God closes one door, He opens another?  I think on that day during the week before Christmas, my name finally hit the top of the Open Door List!

I hope it will be a good year, and not just for me ... *

*Well, ok, mostly for me!


Jenn said...

I have found that when you feel like you've hit rock bottom and you can't take it anymore, something really awesome is right around the bend. And you've proved my theory!

(I have to believe that, as someone who is currently lurking around rock bottom.)

Sue V said...

Congrats on the new job! And a new job with a knitting group! Sounds like it was meant for you.

Chris said...

Congrats!!! It sounds like a really cool job.

Lisa S. said...

Hey! Back to serials and cataloging! And a knitting group! I hope you have a great year, and I hope things will fall into place for the near future.

Kitty said...

Congratulations! This job market is so tough! I'm really really happy for you. My Mister was unemployed last year for six months, and it's so hard to just keep on going with no end in sight.


sprite said...

Hooray! What awesome news!

Lisa said...

It was so good seeing you yesterday! And I am so thrilled that you have found a place for yourself with nice people. My experience is so close to what happened to me. I had a major meltdown days before being called for the interview for the job I have.

Anonymous said...


craftivore said...

What a great upbeat post, life is looking up. Change is the spice of life and yours is getting spicy.

Anonymous said...

You're the cereals librarian? How long could that take?

Maureen said...



Marie said...

Congratulations! Your new job sounds like a fine one. I've always found science libraries are usually very pleasant and interesting places to work. Done it a few times; miss it now.

Lisa said...

Finally, all those candles and all that chanting paid off. Dancing that happy dance.

SissySees said...

Fantabulous!! 2010 is off to a good start for me too.

(And if you figure out how to reinvent yourself with great shoes, hair, a spiffy wardrobe and that dream agent that opens all the right doors... will you at least invite me over to rub elbows or something?)

Lorraine said...

Bridget- That's awesome- good for you.

Brigitte said...

Oh wow, YAY YOU Bridget!!! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!

mary said...

Oh Bridget, I'm so happy for you! You are such a kind person, I'm so glad you have a new and so interesting job. Good for you. So good for you.

I still miss your stories on the prison, but that's being selfish :)

UnderMeOxter said...

I'm so thrilled for you. Your good fortune has given me a lift!

Most of all, it's well deserved. You're a survivor, that's for sure.


ImplausibleYarn said...

Thats amazing! I'm very excited for you. Your right, a year with a paycheck beats out a year without one every time! Congratulations!

Carrie K said...

That's fabulous news, Bridget! Congratulations. And you know, they're lucky to have you.

Margy Grasberger said...

I've always, always wanted to work there! Congratulations and I hope I keep seeing you!

Kathleen Dames said...

Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you. And I've got some part-time freelance work going for a former company of mine. Things are looking up. Congratulations!!!

johanna said...

Or as my friend Colette said, "God doesn't close a door without punching out all the windows, or something to that effect."

Lorette said...

Just catching up on blogs...Congratulations!