16 February 2011

Ick Ugh Ack

I am glad that my last post was coherent (or at least almost so).  It was written while I was feeling like I was surely going to die of - as I like to say - "sickation."  Sickation is when you know you are gonna really be sick, 'cause  you already feel crappy, and you just can't pinpoint a) how sick you'll be, or b) when it will happen.

But you see, it was Jetsam's BD and Valentine's Day, and I wanted to show you the picture of Zach in his new hat.  So I was gonna post if it was the last thing I did.  It pretty much was.  Well, at least the last enjoyable thing.

Sunday evening was the annual Holiday Party for the Rosie's staff.  It's usually always held in late January or early to mid-February, once all of the busy-ness of the December holidays and New Year's have died down.  This was the first year I could make it, and it was such a blast!  It's a gift exchange as well, and it was fun to see what everyone gave/got.  (Oddly, there were a lot of measuring bowls and spoons given and received.  I have no idea.)  Anyway, we were at a restaurant in Center City Philadelphia, and - at least at the time - the food was wonderful. 

Monday, when I woke up, I had a slight headache and an uneasy stomach.  I didn't worry too much, since I chalked it up to a break in my usual routine, and food I wouldn't normally have.  As the day went on, though, I felt worse and worse.  By the time I got home, my headache was so bad that I could hardly see, and I could not bear the idea of eating anything at all.  Seltzer water for dinner!  As the evening went on, I just felt lousy.  Fortunately, The Tim was at work, so Jetsam's BD celebration was postponed, but of course the more I thought about how sick I felt, the sicker I felt!  So I tried to distract myself - you know, with e-mail, a movie, and a blog post.  I was glad to do the blog post, but barely made it through ...

Long story short (or I guess, shorter), I got really sick, and was up all night, being sick again and/or thinking my head would explode from my headache.  Then because I didn't have enough going on, I had a major panic attack, which needless to say made every single thing that much worse.  Finally I fell asleep around 2 a.m. yesterday morning.  And when the alarm went off, I still felt crappy and panicked as well as really tired, so I called out sick.  Which with the boss I now have, is a whole other level of stress.

Yesterday was spent: 1. sleeping, 2. drinking ginger ale, 3. sleeping, and 4. cuddling with Jetsam.  By the end of the day, I knew I was going to live.  Still felt lousy, but not nearly *as* lousy.  Then I found out, via Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail, that lots of others at the party on Sunday night had also been sick with a lot of the same symptoms - can you say food poisoning?  Not that I wanted others to be miserable, but it was somewhat reassuring to know that there was likely a reason I felt so awful when I had been fine before.

This morning I woke up, feeling much better, but still a little shaky, physically and emotionally.  So even though I wasn't sure it was the best idea ever, I took another sick day.  Jetsam and I had a good nap on the couch, and I just had some crackers and ginger ale, after having a cup of tea and an orange early this morning.  And now I'm pretty sure I'll live (I know you were terribly worried).  Plus, The Tim is home today, and he said he'd fix something "calm but celebratory" for our combined Jetsam BD/Valentine's celebration tonight.  That's awfully nice, I think.

So hopefully by the end of the afternoon, I'll be back to my reading/knitting/whining/obsessive self.  Then two days of work, followed by a three-day weekend.  Even the panic attack has settled down to a normal fret level.  The week may turn out OK after all.

Of course, that's what I thought as we were having so much fun heading to the restaurant on Sunday evening ...


SissySees said...

I've had restaurant induced food poisoning TWICE. I am heartily sorry, and I do hope you have a gentle, mild, pleasant double-celebration tonight!

Maureen said...

Hope you're feeling better! No fun being sick, whether it's food poisoning, flu or any thing else for that matter.

Enjoy your upcoming three day weekend.

Marie said...

I'm so sorry you were sick and I'm glad you feel better now. Hug Jetsam.

hand eye said...

The two worst things the Universe has to offer is nausea and panic attacks. That you had to deal with both at once strains my brain.

Hugs and hugs and hugs.

Anonymous said...

I have spent five years worrying about the reactions of the people I work with when I am ill and it only makes recovery more difficult. I finally realized that they don't give a damn how I feel when THEY are out sick and have begun to let that little guilt-mongerer go. Take care of yourself. Many of us care about you.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Bummer. I ALWAYS eat in a restaurant with "reservations" ya now you are feeling even sicker. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.

I think measuring spoon are a great gift ~ I'm constantly loosing my down the garbage disposal!

amanda Preller said...

Here Here Marji I agree. Glad you took care of yourself and yikes, don't go to that restaraunt again!! Love you!

mary said...

Sorry you have been sick. Glad you are better. Really sorry I missed Jetsam's birthday. Percy sends his belated birthday wishes also.

Quilting Mama said...

Glad Jet was able to help you feel better. Kitty comfort medicine is always a benefit for the ill.
So sucks that the new boss is causing you such stress. Sending good work karma to you.