07 September 2017

Shortest To-Do List Ever!

This week's Think Write Thursday had a different kind of twist to it, since apparently participation is not what Carole and Kat were hoping.  I understand that, since I am not always a participant.  Sometimes I seriously just don't want to put the time and effort into a topic that doesn't grab me, and other times I truly forget altogether.  So they asked us this week to think about Three Things Thursday, and share three things from our To-Do List.

As you probably know I love lists, and I have To-Do Lists that are a) very long, b) unrealistic, and c) lists of To-Do Lists *for* my other To-Do Lists!  (Ridiculous, I know.  So.Many.Lists.  Oh well.)  But I can certainly share three things that are in the top of my brain (and its own list) right now, so here goes.

1. Find another job.  This has been on the top of many lists for a long while, but recent events have made it even more necessary for me.  The real kicker was yesterday, when I asked if someone could please empty the trash in the library, since our usual person is on vacation this week, and nothing had been picked up since last Thursday.  The solution: *I* am now collecting the library's trash.  I am not too good to do this, or a snob who thinks that people who collect trash are somehow not worth thinking about.  Rather, I am angry that this is the solution they came up with.  The powers-that-be decided outsourcing the building maintenance would be a great idea, so there are very specific things that the cleaning service will and will not do.  I could go on, but suffice it to say that apparently adding someone else's duties to another employee when someone is out is not part of the contract.  Which is stupid.  Anyhoo, I am very hopeful that something happens sooner rather than later on the job front for me.  Because especially very soon, it will only get worse for a long while before it gets any better.

OK, sorry for the mini-rant.  Moving on.

2.  Clean out one closet.  Yes, all of the closets need to be cleaned out, but you know, baby steps.  Surely I can get one out of the way.  Theoretically, it will help remind me not to just throw stuff into closets willy-nilly, and cut down on the need to do it again whenever it becomes Another Big Thing.

3.  Finish - or just even get closer to finishing - seaming a sweater.  My Custom Fit sweater was finished and blocked months ago.  A couple of weeks ago, I seamed the shoulders.  That's it.  If I would actually finish seaming it, then I could knit the neckline, and then I could actually WEAR it.  And the weather is only going to get cooler in the next couple of months, so I don't have the well-it's-not-like-I-could-wear-it-in-this-weather-anyway excuse.

To some extent, the first item is out of my control - but the other two could actually - hopefully - happen.  Yay.  :-) And I could do them this weekend ... or, I could do this:

I won't.  But ... I could ... and it would greatly amuse me ...


gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

Closet cleaning...a list of lists itself! Good luck with the job search, it sounds like time!

AsKatKnits said...

May a new job be soon in your future. May your sweater soon be seamed. And, may your post it notes be extra hilarious! (And, I think you should!!)

Bonny said...

This list may only have three things, but each one looms large in its own way. I'm decent at cleaning out closets, but then I fall down on doing something with all the stuff I've cleaned out. And I pretty much only knit things that don't require seaming anymore because I'm so bad at finishing. Sending good hopes for a new job and the satisfaction of finishing something!

Nance said...

I'm sorry about things being Crappy at your job. I really, truly am.

Getting some of your To Dos done will be energizing and stress-busting for you, I think. Often, when there was SO MUCH of my Other Life beyond my control, I would take control of whatever I could in my Real Life At Home. Stuff got done, I felt very accomplished, and it also gave me back my sense of control.

Actually, I still do this. Sigh. Why can't Everything/Everyone just listen to me and do what I say ALL THE TIME? We would all be SO MUCH HAPPIER!

Tired Teacher said...

I know and understand your frustration at work, as I struggled with similar issues before I retired. I hope you can find a better solution than I did.

I'm a list maker, too, but I'll tell you I kind of like the sticky note idea. 😉

Araignee said...

When jobs go bad it is certainly no fun. I had a great principal for 20 years and when she retired we got a complete psycho. I suffered for three years and then had to go. Terrible to be pushed out of a job I loved but my sanity was worth more than the paycheck. I hope you find your way out and into something better soon.
My Custom Fit sweater is still just a bag of yarn. I did such a terrible job seaming Son's that I am afraid to cast mine on. Shoulder seams are the death of me everytime. They always look terrible no matter what I do.

Vera said...

Oh, sending more good vibes on the job front Bridget. We spend so much time at work that we really need to be in/at a place where we feel appreciated, like what we are doing, enjoy the folks around us. thanks for the reminder on closet clean-outs (I guess...). Maybe I can tackle one while Fletch is out of town?

Patty said...

I have bags of bags rather than lists of lists! And I would gladly go to Wal-Mart with you and do that! (We could go inside and throw things in peoples carts too...) Here's to good news on the job search soon.

Kym said...

Okay. So that would be VERY amusing! I'd like to join you in the Wal-Mart parking lot. :-)
I'm so sorry that your job has reached this state of misery. I'm hoping something better will turn up quickly so you can escape. (Fingers crossed and good juju on the way.)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the job hunt.

I'll be joining you in cleaning out a closet. I'll be stuck inside on Sunday/Monday and I may as well make it a productive time.

Lorraine said...

Bridget- I hope something you like comes up- I think it will. Nothing worse than having to spend time in a situation you dread.

In the meantime, cleaning a closet will appease the domestic gods.

elns said...

I like to wake up at 4am and make my lists the past 2 weeks, it's not a good look, don't try it on. It's been uncomfortably hot for us still and Sunday when we finally had a moment to catch up on the list (which is basically getting rid of thing) we could barely do laundry. I just keep waiting on each weekend hoping for one more thing to be done. I'm grateful for any progress.