29 June 2023


Well, Blogger and/or my e-mail seem to have decided to gang up on me as far as blog comments go. I am suddenly getting four copies of each comment. Then, any comments I have tried to respond to have come back as undeliverable. I even broke down and tried to respond *in* the comments, and when I would go to publish them, ZAP! they disappeared into the ether.

So again, apologies if you have commented recently and I have not responded. I'm not ignoring you, but at least for the moment, it seems that any type of response just isn't working.

To quote The Tim, "Technology is great, except when it isn't." Sigh.

In any case, I am going to try to move on from my annoyance and frustration and enjoy my day with nothing to do but laundry. I went out for a walk earlier, hoping to get out before it got too hot or too smoky. There was a nice breeze, but it was already pretty smoky so it wasn't as long a walk as I may have wanted to take. But I did get outside, so I'm glad for that.

Kim has lately been lamenting the prospect of many visits to the dentist as well as the many dollars such visits will cost. I feel her pain. We have dental insurance - technically - but it pays about $10 in benefits. One of my favorite (not really) things was recently when I needed to get [yet another] crown, and learned that it would pay a very small amount towards a metal crown, but zero towards a ceramic crown, so which did I want? I am vain enough (and now poor enough) to not want a metal crown on a front tooth - I mean, it's not like it was gonna be gold or something. And I'm not a rapper anyway. 😉 I dread the dentist enough without feeling like I'm going into major debt just because I showed up for an appointment. Ugh.

I haven't gotten new glasses yet because I'm too busy paying for my teeth! Fortunately I can still see with my current prescription, but when you are planning to keep the same frames and the lenses still cost hundreds of dollars, it just seems like something in that equation is wrong, you know?

Well, enough complaining. I hope you are getting along better with your e-mail and blog platform providers. And please keep a good thought for Mabel, Vera's sweet kitty who has been missing for a few days. Please come home, baby!


Kim in Oregon said...

I've been buying glasses from Zenni and they are very affordable--with a bit of searching (and using coupons) you can get a pair of progressives for less than $100. No dental tips for you unfortunately though.

KSD said...

Oooooh. . . I hadn't thought about a metal crown. Right there in the front on the top? Very rapper/gangster.

Kym said...

Oh, jeez. The dentist . . . I'm sorry you're having to deal with expensive dental work, Bridget. Last year, I had to get 3 crowns!!! I was afraid to walk into their office again this month for my check-up, but - thankfully - I'm good for another 6 months. Sending the good dental juju your way. XO

Araignee said...

I was just saying to The Mister that it's crazy that our health insurance doesn't cover our eyes, ears or teeth. I just paid $3000 for a crown on a back tooth and now I have a pain when I bite down on another tooth. I'm just not going to chew on that side for as long as I can or maybe just eat soup. It's a racket.