06 September 2023

I'm Back - With an FO!

Hello and Happy September! I'm finally back and hopefully will be able to check in regularly going forward. The last couple of months were challenging, and I'm glad I took time off from the blog, though I did miss all of you. Let's just say that as of today, mental health stuff, dental stuff, life stuff, and house stuff are all doing better, so it was a worthwhile endeavor to concentrate on those.

I have been knitting, and have started a couple of new things that are holiday gifts, but I'm happily here to tell you about an FO! You may remember that I was going right along on my Stripey Summer Tee, which started like this:

(this is the actual color best represented, btw)

And then I made progress:

More progress:

And now, it's an FO <cue applause>

Project: Stripey  Summer Grapefruit Tee
Pattern: Rock It Tee, by Tanis Lavallee (Ravelry link)
Yarn: MadelineTosh Tosh Light in the Pink Grapefruit colorway; and, Fiberstory Fave Sock in the Barely colorway
Needles: US size 5
Modifications: In the pattern, it says to make the centered double decreases on the sides in every other row. I didn't do that, deciding that with having to keep track of the stripes, that would be an extra thing to worry about. So I did the decreases every 4th and 6th row, and I really think it looks pretty.

Notes: This is a really well-written pattern, making it very clear what needs to happen and when. The designer said that of course you can use whatever striping sequence you like, but when she made the sample, she did eight row stripes. I figured if that was good enough for her, it was good enough for me. 😊 I made the fourth size in the pattern, because if I'm wearing wool at all in the summer and springtime, I want there to be good air flow, so I wanted positive ease.

I've worn this a couple of times already (it still being summer - OMG I finished something during the season I want to wear it!), and it's comfy and I feel like it fits well. I've gotten a lot of compliments on it, which of course makes my knitter's heart happy. And another knitter even said, "Wow, you did the stripes so you can't even see the joining of the other yarn!" which I took as one the highest praise possible. 

I made sure to have enough yarn according to what the pattern required, and my gauge swatches worked fine, but at the end of things, here's what I had left:

That's 84 grams of the Pink Grapefruit color, and 97 grams of the Barely color, so ... I don't know, someone's calculations were off. But these will get incorporated into something else, never fear!

So that's that. I'm hoping to post more regularly now, and have some things to show and tell, as well as my regular golden nuggets of prose and wisdom. I hope all of you have been keeping well, and that if you are near any extremes of weather (I'm not even getting into a discussion of the weather here this week, ugh), that you are managing to keep safe.

And now I'm off to welcome the Chimney Guy, who is here to take a look at what needs to be done with/to the chimney before we can replace the roof. On the one hand, there goes any money available. On the other hand, I have been trying to get The Tim to get on this for the past three years, so please rejoice with me that soon leaky ceilings will be a thing of the past!

Take care, and have the best day possible.


Araignee said...

Love the tee! What a great fit. Looking at the weather forecast you'll probably have plenty of time to get some use out of it still.

sprite said...

It looks beautiful on you. Well done!

KSD said...

Looking so cute and fresh and detailed!

We had a chimney guy in a while back; the process was fascinating.

I've missed you!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

It looks fabulous, but you always looks so good in your knits, so I'm not surprised!!!

Alison said...

My day just got better with a cheery post from you. That jumper looks so good, nothing beats a finish and the first wearing.

Kim in Oregon said...

I just love it. I think the colors are amazing, they are amazing on YOU and the fit is perfection!

Dee said...

The tee looks beautiful on you. Nice colors.

Old houses, they can bleed a checkbook dry like nothing else. Amirite or amirite???? (Ask me how I know. LOL)

Kym said...

Oh, Bridget! I love, Love, LOVE the stripe-y tee! It turned out beautifully, and looks so wonderful on you. BRAVO! And I'm glad your blog-break was fruitful. (They usually are.) I've missed you, and look forward to hearing your voice out here in blog-land again. XO

Nance said...

What a lovely sweater, and you've been able to wear it already! It's perfect. Well done.

Shirley said...

Your sweater is just beautiful!!! The style and colors look wonderful on you. I'm betting you will get to wear it for several weeks (or more) before the temperature drops too low.

Meredith MC said...

I have knit that pattern and I found it to be fun, quick and a nice garment. Yours looks amazing! I’m glad things have settled down for you. Take care!