06 October 2023

We Aren't Hoarders, We Just Keep Things ...

Hello and Happy Friday to all of us! It's gloomy and humid here in Philadelphia, and according to the local weather reports, we're supposed to get a rainy evening, rainy day on Saturday, and then some true fall weather settling in. Fine with me, I'm more than ready for cozy season!

The other day, I pulled out our box of fall decorations, as well as a large envelope where I keep paper decorations stored. There's a mix of fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving decorations, and I always enjoy revisiting them. 

I was putting up a couple of paper decorations, and came across these two:

These are Halloween decorations that my nephew's wife sent to us, made by our great niece and nephew. The one on top is the work of Jude, and the bottom one is from Anya.

Who are now 21 and 23, respectively. 😊

We have a lot of holiday decorations from this particular family (4 children in all, they live in Arizona), but these are from the oldest two. And I love that their mom sent them to us all of those years ago. I love the randomness and little kid-ness of them, and how she wrote a message and their name at the bottom of each. Every year, they make me smile when I come across them. 

I posted these on Instagram, and every member of that family sent me a message, saying that they couldn't believe we still had them - even their parents don't have such artifacts!

So, as the subject line says, we're not really hoarders, we just keep certain things ... 😂

In other news, I've just been doing the usual stuff, nothing too exciting to report. My arthritis has really been bugging me, to the point last week where it was painful just to walk around. This week is better, but it's still annoying. I've been knitting and cross-stitching and reading, but have no photographic proof of such activities. This past week was a return to summer-like weather, which was not inspiring at all to me. 

I did teach my first class at the yarn store on Tuesday evening, and that went really well. I am teaching a class to make the Antler Toque, which you may recall I made for The Tim a couple of years ago for Christmas. Our manager decided that it would be a good way for people to learn to do cables, and so I had four enthusiastic students who feared cables when we started, but had made them happen when the class was over. This coming Tuesday is the second/final class, where we learn the cable decreases and take on any questions. I think it is going well, but it does make for a really long day. Fortunately it's my last day of work for the week, so I can catch up on sleep/other things afterwards.

No real specific plans for this weekend, other than my work shift on Sunday. Since tomorrow is supposed to be kind of rainy, I'll probably work on some projects inside. We will also be watching the Phillies game against the Atlanta Braves, hoping that our Phils can pull off a series of wins. An uphill challenge, but if everyone is firing on all cylinders at the same time, it can happen!

Let me know how you have been doing, what you have been working on, etc. I hope your weekend is lovely (unless you are cheering for the Braves, haha. Kidding not kidding!), and that you have the chance to do whatever you like. See you next week!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

I had a whole drawer of stuff from my nieces - and in the interest of trying NOT to be a hoarder... I went through and kept just a few special pieces. It was very hard to part with some of them though.

It's a long weekend here (Thanksgiving) and I'm off for the whole week. I'd like to say I'm sleeping in Saturday, but we have to get up early to take a trailer load to the dump (reno stuff). I hope the week will be filled with crafting, gardening and just general fun stuff

Alison said...

I'm with you - I keep everything a child has ever given me. They are so carefree and just do it, no thought about a perfect job etc. I have a cold and I always think that it is the most annoying thing in the world. In the bigger picture of life it isn't but……

I just finished embroidering 19 initial monograms for one of my stitching groups - to do with what they will.

I do hope your team takes it all the way, as our All Blacks beat Uruguay in their pool match of the rugby World Cup.

Araignee said...

When we painted the bedroom we had to pull out an under bed drawer that is filled with zipped bags of all the kids stuff. The Mister thought it was time to chuck it all but I couldn't do it. I remember having to dispose of all the stuff my parents had accumulated from us. I don't want to tell The Mister but I have a top shelf in the sewing closet that is filled with that old stuff I couldn't part with either.

Your knitting classes sound like so much fun. I used to love teaching the other teachers how to knit and spin during our short lunch breaks. It used to drive our nasty principal crazy because she thought we should be making better use of our time. As if.

Kym said...

What a special treat . . . to open up those charming Halloween decorations (and all their good wishes) each year. NOT hoarders -- just treasure-keepers! I'm so glad you're having a good experience as a knitting teacher, Bridget. I'll bet you're just terrific! Enjoy your weekend! XO

KSD said...

Lucky students to have you as a guide.

Kim in Oregon said...

I have had a few grad students with kids and the kids have made cute things for me, I have them in a box somewhere.

Congrats on teaching your class! I bet it went great. I hope that leads to more teaching if you are so inclined!

karen said...

my arthritis has been worse as well! I keep hoping it will go away :)