22 November 2023

Quick, Call the Pope!

You know how you read/hear news stories about people who see amazing and miraculous things in everyday objects? You know, someone will see the face of the Virgin Mary in a random cracker from a box? Well, I'm always intrigued by those stories, but to be honest, never give them much credence. 

And then my friends, it happened to me. Yesterday on my lunch break at work, I pulled out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich* that I had packed, and unwrapped it, and lo and behold, my sandwich had the stigmata!

Do you see that? It's clearly a sign. Well, OK, it's just jelly seeping through the bread, but for a moment there, I was sure that I was destined for modern sainthood. But I was also hungry, so I ate the sandwich. I may be a believer, but I am also practical and hate to waste food ... 😊


I'm guessing that like most people in the U.S., a lot of you are busy getting ready for, or getting ready to travel for, Thanksgiving, particularly since it's Thanksgiving Eve (right, Kym?). I have a dr appt, and then plan to come home and get the stuffing started for tomorrow, which means that I will not be up until late this evening making it after dinner and cleaning up, etc. Are there other things - ahem, cleaning? - I could do today? Why yes there are, but I knew yesterday I wasn't going to do any of them. But I do want to make the stuffing, and enjoy that part of the holiday so much, so that's what I'm going to do. Which also means that the house is really going to smell good for the rest of the day. Win-win!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that The Tim will not have to work tomorrow, like he did last year. But he won't find out until sometime today, and it's out of our control, so it's just a waiting game. (Hm. I'll bet if I hadn't eaten my sandwich, I could have had some power over all of this. I really didn't think ahead ... 😉)

In any case, have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving Eve, if you celebrate, and if not, have a good Wednesday. It's stopped raining here, so things are looking up!

*Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are also known at the yarn store as the "Bridget special." Apparently one of my co-workers finds it highly amusing that I have that for lunch on a regular basis, and named it as such. 


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Ok... not going to lie... that sandwich just brought back a lot of childhood trauma for me... ie having pb&j sandwiches for lunch almost every day for seven straight school years. We lived almost an hour from the school, and it was a country school so there was no other options (and no school cafeteria) - it was packed lunch or nothing else. Since my parents didn't have a lot of money AND I was a picky eater, pb&j it was probably 80% of the time. If not it was cooked ham, mock chicken, or macaroni and cheese loaf with mustard and a cheese slice (the fake kind). If I was REALLY lucky (and it was on sale), I got salami, cheese and mustard (mustard can't touch the cheese though)!

I was in my teens when I first had a Black Forest ham sandwich and I never knew until that day that sandwich meat could taste so good!!!

But I still can't eat a pb&j UNLESS the bread is toasted (and the toast is still hot). Then it's acceptable.

Kim in Oregon said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving! I'm not a big PBJ person but now I think I have to make one to see if I get stimata too!

KSD said...

Quick! Airtight container! Ask the sandwich to prove itself!