13 June 2024

Animal of the Day

 California Quail

Every once in a while, I like to look at "____ of the Day" things. Today was one of those days, and I found this photo of the Animal of the Day, the California Quail. 

Look on the top of the head - is that not perfect? I love it when birds have something going on at the top of their heads, for some reason it just pleases me. And I always enjoy learning about and seeing photos of animals I will likely never come across in my daily life.

If you are so inclined, you can learn more - and look at other Animals of the Day - at this site

I hope you have a good day, and manage to put a little bit of your own  flair into it, even if you can't pull off a "hairstlye" like this!


Araignee said...

I love that updo! It kind of looks like my regular do when I've got my messy bun a bit too high. Of course I never notice until I get home and look in the mirror.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Lol... I love cockatoos simply because they can put up their "hat" when they are excited

Kim in Oregon said...

So fancy!!!

Kym said...

I have always loved quails! That little "flourish" on the top of their heads just . . . pleases me. Thanks for sharing! XO

KSD said...

Nature provides us with many perfections. We only have to pay attention.