05 June 2024

Personal Space On a Hot Day

Yesterday it was pretty warm and humid around here - much more than you would expect this early in June. At least before global warming.

I do love to cuddle with our cats all year long. But in the summer, with our basically non-working air-conditioning, it can be uncomfortable. Of course, that's apparently because I am a human. It doesn't seem to bother them at all.

Almost every day, there is some combination of cats close together on the couch or the bed. Sometimes, they will even be under the bedspread on the bed in a sun spot. You lift up the bedspread to make sure they are still alive, and they look at you as if to say, "What? I'm trying to sleep here."

Fortunately so far, most days have been comfortable with the windows open and a fan going, so everyone has been doing OK. But their desire for the most heat possible all of the time is one of the four million things I will never understand about cats. 

Somewhere, a cat is writing the same kind of post about people.😉


Kym said...

Kitties are such silly creatures! (And poor JoJo suffers in the summer. She is bred for cold weather, and really isn't comfortable at all in the summer. Unless she's able to get in the water! Then . . . summer is a breeze!)

Kim in Oregon said...

Cute photo! One of our dogs insists on sleeping between us each night, rain or shine, summer or winter, even though she has a lovely bed at the foot of the bed.

KSD said...

Ssssh! The cat blogs are supposed to be secret!

Araignee said...

It was hot and humid here today and I had to have the AC and all the fans on. I'm already looking forward to sweater weather.