04 July 2024

Independence Day 2024

I hope that if you are celebrating today, that you have a fun, happy, and safe Fourth of July. 

I know that for a lot of us, things look grim for the future of our country. And I have to say that if you're not worried, it seems like you must not be paying attention.

But I also believe that today is worth celebrating what we do have, what we still hope to have, and recommit to the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

If you pay attention, and vote in November, I really believe we can start to salvage things. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday today. 😄

For those of you who do not celebrate today's holiday, I hope your Thursday goes well, and that you can enjoy the fact that the weekend is almost here!


Araignee said...

Happy 4th!

Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for this post. It's hard for me to be rah rah USA today but I am lucky to live here (at least for the moment) and I'm lucky I live somewhere where people are very different and very tolerant.

KSD said...

I second my Twinster.

Karen51 said...

Well said! Happy 4th

Nance said...

Sigh. I feel like the USA doesn't much deserve to celebrate its Independence right now since so many seem willing to pitch it all and go backward in the worst way.

But I'm grateful to have my little family with me this weekend at the lake, all of us healthy and happy to be together.

Have a good weekend, Bridget.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Hope you had a wonderful day!