01 March 2007

Let's hear it for March!

March is one of my favorite months, and I'm so happy that it starts today! I have nothing against any of the other months (though the summer months get on my bad side when they are just too much summer ...), but March is the month of my birthday, so I think it's special.

But enough about me (yeah, right), March has a lot of other things going for it:

1. It's also the month of Carol's birthday, as well as Lisa's (the owner of Rosie's), and my friend Sharrie.

2. It has St. Patrick's Day, as well as St. Joseph's Day (zeppoles!).

3. It is a month that has never involved any surgical procedures, or recoveries from said procedures (for me, that is. I'm sure others have had surgery during March ...).

4. The first day of spring is in March, but you are also just as likely to get a blizzard sometime during its 31 days.

5. Daffodils usually bloom, or at least begin to bloom, during March. And I love daffodils, though I have no luck growing them in the garden.

6. I was baptized in March, thereby saving me from limbo, especially since now the pope has eliminated limbo. (So tell me, where do all the unbaptized babies go if they die?? And where are the ones who were already there?? Huh?? Answer me that one, pope!)

7. Sometimes, Easter falls in March ... and when it doesn't, Easter is usually shortly after the end of the month, so you start to see chocolate bunnies and peeps during the month. I am always cheered up by chocolate bunnies and peeps. (Peeps that look like baby chicks. Because I am a Peeps Purist.)

8. The saying goes that March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. I don't really care either way, since I like lions and lambs, and would be happy to see either/both of them at any point during the month.

And of course, other things that I am not thinking of at the moment. But I'm sure by now you get the idea. So have a good March, even if you are not lucky enough to have been born in it!


Sarah-potterknitter said...

The daffodils have been blooming this week at my house. At least on the south facing slopes. By next week I'll have billions. There is a several week difference between our house and many of our friends who live in a community 4 miles away. Theirs are just getting tall, but not ready to bloom yet.

Carol said...

Tell it to Julius Caesar...

the wicked witch of the east said...

carol...you totally read my mind!!...i was like "yeah bridge...that's the month they stabbed the crap outta julius caesar..."...but carol beat me to it...so now i got nuthin'...

Scarlett said...

Yeah, Yeah, we got daffodils too, yep!

Okay, this is the official stance of the Catholic dogma (AT THIS TIME, as it subject to change of course), heaven is defined as "with god" and everything else, such as limbo and hell, is "absent from god". SO anyone nonbaptized would be ...you got it...absent from god

Hope that helps.

Any further catholic related questions???

mary said...

I'm not a big fan of March myself. It's too much of a teaser of a month. It pretends to be spring, then it dumps tons of snow on you. I like more decisiveness in my months. In fact, March is dumping about 12-15" snow on me right now.

Still, Happy March Birthday!

the wicked witch of the east said...

in response to scarlett's post...i would still prefer to be "absent from god"...than refer to the trinity as ""Mother, Child and Womb" or "Rock, Redeemer, Friend"...now, that's crazy...:)

Bridget said...

Hey, it's not my fault that Julius Caesar did not avoid the Ides of March!

Scarlett reminded me of two additional good things about March - Girl Scout cookies, and Women's History Month, which now that I think of it, is perhaps a coincidence ...

(And Wicked Witch of the East - I forgot about the whole trinity thing - see I miss you at work already!)

teabird said...

Girl Scout Chocolate-mint cookies...

If you're a Peeps purist, perhaps you should make your own. Martha Stewart does.

My husband still mourns for the un-Peeps, the ones that were separated in the box by little pieces of cardboard, not all stuck together. He is convinced that the Peeps folk are a surly bunch of gangsters who knocked their competition out of the market. It's a rough and tumble business, Easter candy.

Lorette said...

Peeps Purist, that made me laugh. I will go as far as Peeps bunnies, but that's my limit.
And when the heck did the Pope get rid of limbo? I clearly need to pay more attention in church. I was trying to explain limbo to my husband last week; now I see that I needn't have bothered.

Carol said...

March is indeed a good month! Especially since you put it that way! I have a box of peeps in desk right now;)

the wicked witch of the east said...


were you there that day i put a peep in the microwave??

Anonymous said...

Stale Peeps are the best. All devoid of chew and tasting like a meringue. Mmm...