05 June 2020

Catsup? Ketchup? Or ...

Catch up?  (For the record, I'm a "ketchup" person when it comes to the name of the condiment.  Because you needed to know that.)

Anyway, let's have a little bit of a Friday catch up.

Here's one of the reasons that I find my weekly work department Zoom meetings draining.  Yesterday, we were discussing projects to work on when we return to work.  Our archivist suggested that it might be interesting to work on an exhibit where we not just display the portraits we have of founders and other significant people in our institution's history, but look into their lives such as did they own slaves, did they find other people than whites to be lesser, etc.  Our boss agreed that was a good idea, and then one of the others in the dept (the one who went HR because I kept saying "Good morning" to her every day and she didn't want me to talk to her), said, "Well, as long as only myself, ___, and ___ work on it.  Anyone over 40 can't possibly understand the issues here, and can only be racist."  And of course the boss said nothing, because he is extremely fond of this person, and will do ANYTHING to avoid any level of conflict at all.  [screams into void]

The other morning, Hamlet really really really needed to go out for his early morning bathroom walk before our curfew expired.  So I was getting dressed, and Hamlet went over to The Tim for some attention.  The Tim said, "Be careful, Hammy, 'cause it's still curfew.  If they start shooting rubber bullets, be sure to stand behind your ma so you won't get hit."  Again, he is a regular laff riot.

We are both excited because we ordered a new portable grill for use in the garden.  A few years back, we had a small one that used propane gas, but neither of us were very comfortable with it.  Now that our garden is fixed up again (well, OK it's a mess now, but we can still use a good part of it), we wanted to find another one.  We ended up ordering this one, and it should arrive today or tomorrow.  It uses charcoal, but frankly not a lot, and we just could not afford one that used bio-pellets, which are better for the environment.  Anyway, we already have more plans of what we'll grill than what is likely to actually happen!

Today Philadelphia and the surrounding counties move into the Yellow phase of the Covid-19 recovery.  Not much is likely to change for us right away, but at least it comes with the ability to do some things a bit more freely, and hopefully some businesses can begin to start to open again.  I just hope that people will still be safe - too many seem to think that since thousands aren't dying every day, that the whole thing is over and there's no reason to be cautious anymore.

Today marks one year since we had to say goodbye to our baby Jack.

It was and still is one of the worst days ever, and very often, it still feels like it was just a few minutes ago.  We have decided that Jack is probably ready for us to expand the family, so will be on the lookout for a kitty who needs us.  I'm sure all of you will be among the first to know if anything changes.  😊  In the meantime, hug and kiss your family - furry and otherwise - and if you think to do it, give a thought or prayer for our Jack today, and/or drink a toast to him.  He truly was the sweetest and the best.  Love you baby boy, forever.  💕

I follow the Awkward Family Photos account on Facebook and today there was one of the best photos ever.  The caption said, "This is our daughter's preschool picture.  I think the photographer thought the addition of a flower would make it look innocent and sweet."  Um ...

The Tim and I both laughed until we cried!  This is one of the funniest preschool pictures ever.  And I'm glad that the person submitting it thought so too. 

That's it for now.  I hope all of you are doing well, and that you have the best weekend you can.  See you next week!


Nance said...

Dear Jack! I will raise a glass to him on the boat this evening at sunset.

Your coworker sounds thoughtless. Perhaps you should be glad to be relieved of the duty of wishing her a Good Morning.

kayT said...

Thanks so much for giving me and my husband a good laugh to start our day! And I did enjoy reading about your "fun" at work. Why? Because I am retired! So I enjoy reminiscing about the "good" old days and thanking heaven I will never have to go to another meeting. I hope you don't have to have any more contact with the one who doesn't want you saying good morning to her. Sheesh. She apparently (like so many others) believes she has an inalienable right to have everything her way.

Have a nice weekend!

Kim in Oregon said...

Stay safe during the re-opening. Excited that a little kitty will have a wonderful forever home soon!

Minerva said...

Does the co-worker know that they are being ageist? Is that ok? Sheesh. No wonder you're exhausted. That family photo is a hoot! That is the funniest thing that I've seen all day.

Araignee said...

A new grill sounds exciting. The Mister has been whining about cooking something on ours but we never seem to have anything grillable these days.
Good luck on the kitty search. I never have to go looking. They always find me. I've got a strange beat up old tom cat looking in the door for a meal right now. His third of the day. If you feed them they will come. Sigh.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Ugh... that person in your office obviously has never heard of the '60s and all the protesting then. Could anyone be anymore self-absorbed? Barf.

Enjoy your grill. I was so happy when I got my little one just after we moved here. I upgraded to a bigger one last year and we BBQ every chance we get.

steph said...

what a hoot that photo is!!!

and cheers to the memory of Jack...our fur babes are just part of our family, no two ways about it. Hope you have moved on to the happy memories and the sad days are fewer.

Your work thing has me stumped... I would definitely take offense to that no one over 40 could understand, being a flower child from the 60s. Just where does Ralph Ellison fit in her history? Invisible Man? Richard Wright and Native Son? C'mon. I think some of us old fogies have a much deeper insight into the issue than the under 40s. I wasn't able to march in Selma, but one of my best friends did. I think someone needs to review her history lessons.
Sorry...I don't get on a soapbox often, and I'll step down now.

And...I'm a ketchup girl!

Meredith said...

Well I am way, way over 40 so does that mean I am raciest too? I find that statement to be completely ignorant and self involved as perhaps many people under 40 tend to be. Just saying.................

kathy b said...

That offensive comment was meant to be hurtful. I'm sorry it was uttered at al.

karen said...

hm I didn't know age was a precursor to how I think. Zoom meetings are draining even if they are for fun. I cannot stop yelling when I talk!!!