30 November 2020
Dusted and Done
29 November 2020
First Sunday of Advent 2020
28 November 2020
Why Am I Busy on a Saturday??
Usually on Saturday I do nothing. Because, well, even during a pandemic, it's freakin' Saturday and you're not supposetd to work hard, right? But then there a Saturday when, even if you are not "working" per se, you get a lot done, and then it's 3:00 p.m. and you say to yourself, "Huh?"
That was me today. I had a haircut first thing this morning, which did mean I actually got myself in gear earlier than usual. Usually on Saturday mornings, I'm sitting around in my pjs until at least 9 a.m., and then not even really doing anything the rest of the day. But when I got home, I decided that I was going to try a new coffee cake recipe I'd found, and I needed nuts for that, so I walked to the market. Came back, made the recipe, and then while it was baking, washed a load of sheets. Then I washed the dishes that piled up from breakfast and my baking, folded and put away the sheets, and then decided there was just a bit of stuff that needed put away that was piled in a closet. And then decided that I was itchy from my haircut and took a shower.
And just like that - whoosh! - it was 3:00 p.m.! How did that happen? And why was I so busy doing useful things on a Saturday???
Clearly I need to sort out my priorities ...
In other news, Hamlet is feeling better. Thank you so much for your well wishes for him, all of us appreciate them. The vet said that he thinks he might have a soft tissue injury in his shoulder. He gave us the canine equivalent of Tylenol to give him twice a day, and recommended lots of rest. If he is not doing better by Monday, we are to take him over to the vet's office again for x-rays. But so far, he seems to be doing a whole lot better. Of course, getting a pill in some peanut butter twice a day is just fine with him, as is resting a lot (yep, he's our dog for sure!). But we are glad he seems to be responding so well, both for him and for our credit card bill.
And that's the news from here. We have a end-of-Thanksgiving weekend Zoom call tomorrow afternoon with my sisters and some of the nephews and nieces, so that should be fun. And no other specific plans, which is also fine with me.
You know, especially since I "worked" so hard today. 😜
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
27 November 2020
And It Was Good
26 November 2020
Thanksgiving 2020
Have a safe and happy day! If you can read this, you have something to be thankful for, because it means a) you are alive, b) you are well enough to poke around and read things, c) you are likely in your home, with a computer and Internet connection, d) you have some time to yourself, and e) if you couldn't travel to visit friends or family this year, you still managed to survive.
Enjoy your day. Find something that makes you laugh. Be kind to someone else, even if it means simply smiling at someone as you pass them on the street (if it's a true smile, your eyes will show it above your mask). Call a friend or family member and tell them you love them. Love your pets and take good care of them. Be glad you are here to do it all, even if it's hard.
Happy Thanksgiving!
25 November 2020
The Tim Strikes Again
If you ever have something you would like to do, especially before a holiday or a big event, or just even because you are finally getting around to doing it, I would suggest not being in our house. Because whether or not you have expressed your plan/desire/idea, you can be sure that The Tim will somehow manage to create a roadblock. He is the master.
Just some background here: The Tim is a good guy. He is more than willing to pitch in on housework, cooking, cleaning, etc. He has a certain way that he does things, and he is also famous for making the sudden decision to do something and then doing it. Oh he may have been talking about doing it for months, but one day you come home from work, or wake up and go downstairs, and suddenly all of the curtains are in the washing machine, or the furniture is piled in the middle of the room so he can start painting, or - well, you get the drift of what I'm saying.
As I have mentioned here, I am still going to work in our building on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and he is still laid off, so he is home all day, every day. Which was especially convenient yesterday, when the plumber came to haul out our old, deceased water heater and install the new one. It meant that neither of us had to make any special arrangements.
Since we live in a rowhouse, and I knew that the plumber would need to go up and down the steps leading to the basement to move things in and out, I cleared out the "pantry" on Monday. Our "pantry" consists of some small shelves inside the door to the basement, and some items kept on the steps on the way down. I knew that The Tim would need to take off the door so that there would be room, so I put everything into some bags and boxes and placed them in a corner of the living room. I figured that after dinner last night, I would put things back, and then today could do some cleaning up and we would be organized just fine for Thanksgiving.
24 November 2020
Tiny Brain Tuesday
Thank you for your kind comments about my newly-completed pair of socks! I am beyond pleased with them, I have to admit.
New Covid restrictions have gone into effect here in Philadelphia, as I suspect they have in lots of other places. Though at least at the moment, I will still be going to work in our building on Tuesdays and Thursdays (well, Tuesday only this week). Since no one else will be around but the security guard, the physical plant guy, and the woman who takes care of the live animals, I'm not overly worried - we are all far apart in the building, and seldom have reason to interact. And already, I did not see many people on my walk to and from work - this morning there were even fewer.
Anyway, my brain is feeling tiny today, so you get a post of random things, since I should probably save some of what brain power is there for my work.
-- The other day, I came across this t-shirt:
23 November 2020
FO Monday : Know Your Roman Numerals Socks
22 November 2020
A Fourth Poem for a November Sunday
21 November 2020
In Which I Decide (for the millionth time) That My Sister Is Just ...
I don't know, choose one. Clueless. Annoying. Even more self-involved than I am (quite a feat!). Unrealistic.
Background: my oldest sister Nancy and her husband live in southern California (where "all the beautiful people are," as she tells us. A lot). Her two children and their families live in northern California and Arizona respectively. My sister - much like my parents - is the kind of extrovert that makes regular extroverts look like introverts. So yes, this pandemic has been especially hard for her, because she is not someone who reads, or knits, or can easily entertain herself. She likes to go shopping, get together with her friends for lunch or for pickle ball, go to concerts, etc. Though she is disgusted with people not wearing masks, etc., she also has a blind spot when it comes to certain things. This is a summary of a conversation I had with her last week on the phone:
Me: So what are the kids and their families gonna do for the holiday?
N: Chad and family are staying in Arizona. The two oldest are coming home from college, but they will get tested beforehand. We were thinking that we would see Ben and Lauren and the kids, but Lauren said that in San Francisco, they were doing a shut down order that said anyone who traveled even within the state would need to quarantine at both ends of it for two weeks.
Me: Yeah, a lot of places are doing similar things.
N: Well, in some places it made sense, but I said to Lauren, "Do they realize you'd be coming to visit Orange County? That shouldn't be on the list."
As you may have figured out, my sister lives in Orange County. Which is apparently a special place free of anything awful, where flowers grow, birds sing, and unicorns dance while exuding glitter from their butts.
I understand that she wants to see her kids and grandkids, I do. And trust me, I know how frustrating it is to be doing the right thing while other people go around like nothing different is happening. But just because you live in Orange County, with all of the "beautiful people" and the wonderfulness of it all, it doesn't mean you are any different than anyone who lives anywhere else. I think for a lot of people, that's as much the disconnect as anything else.
But sometimes a conversation with my sister can make me realize that we don't just live in different states, we live in different worlds. And again, I also realize - as much as I love her and would do anything I could for her - that if we were not related, we would not ever even be friends.
Family is weird. Mine more so than most, and overall in a good way. This whole thing though? Ugh!
20 November 2020
19 November 2020
Silver Linings
Today is the day after The Tim's birthday (which was lovely, and he liked all of his gifts), and officially one week until Thanksgiving, the coziest day of the year, at least in my opinion. There's a lot of sadness and hand-ringing for a lot of people because they cannot travel and/or won't be able to get together with others to celebrate. It's not a big deal for us, because we have had both Thanksgiving and Christmas with just the two of us and the furballs for years, so unlike everyone else, we're looking forward to the same things we always get to do.
One of my co-workers is from Baltimore, and she always goes home for both holidays. But this year, she is giving up a trip home for Thanksgiving so she can quarantine herself before and after for a trip home for Christmas. She said that she gets to see more people at Christmastime anyway. Her mom was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, so she doesn't want to cause any problems. I do feel bad for her, since she lives alone, and normally I would invite her to join us, but not this year. We have arranged a Zoom during the day on Thanksgiving, to knit and chat and have a glass of wine together, so hopefully that will help some if she is feeling lonely. Since The Tim does a lot of napping, it's not like it will interfere with any of our plans. 😏
But I digress.
Today is Three on Thursday, and I decided to join Carole and everyone else this week. My topic is Three Silver Linings to Wearing a Mask (as opposed to most people who are bitching and moaning about it. Get over it and wear one!).
1. Unlike in hot and humid summer weather, wearing a mask when it's cool/cold is an extra layer of warm for your face. And does not necessarily feel as confining as wearing a scarf wrapped around your face and head securely (at least not to me).
2. You can "treat" a runny nose without looking like a freak show. As soon as cool/cold weather starts, my nose runs like a faucet when I am outside for more than 2 minutes. (Kim and I have commiserated about runny noses, sneezing, etc., while wearing a mask.) What I do before I put on my mask is take a tissue and fold it lengthwise. Then I stick an end into each nostril (enough to hold it there, not enough to make me feel like my breathing is impaired), and put on my mask. As I walk along, my runny nose is controlled by said tissue, and no one is the wiser. Once I'm at my destination, I just toss the tissue. It's not pretty, certainly, and in it's own way it's gross, but it sure is a lot better than dabbing under my nose with tissues every two seconds. You can thank me later.
3. No one knows if you are making a face at them or sticking out your tongue at them. It's nice to be able to do this with people who are deserving, and yet they never know. It pleases me so much, that I will truly miss being able to do this when someday we are no longer having to wear masks. And I also have to say that, if someone is *really* smiling (as opposed to a small grin or whatever), I can always tell by looking at their eyes, and I know that when I really smile, my eyes show it as well. Granted, if you are wearing sunglasses, you are being inscrutable anyway, so this does not apply.
So if nothing else, remember - if you are a person with a cold face, runny nose, and who likes to make faces at others without social repercussions - embrace the mask!
Of course, for some it's easier said than done ...
18 November 2020
Knitting, Reading, Celebrating
17 November 2020
Pip and the Light-Up Ice Cubes
16 November 2020
In Which There Are Many Shawl Photos
You may recall that over the summer, I took part in the Stillness Shawl MKAL organized by Helen Stewart, and knit a truly lovely (but very large) shawl. Here is the FO post, though at the time it wasn't blocked. I thought of, and tried, a few different possibilities, but the real problem was that I had no place where I could safely block it and leave it to dry and even more importantly, I didn't have enough blocking materials in the first place!
Lorette mentioned in the comments that I should send it to her, and she would be happy to block it for me. I thought that seemed really nice, but figured that I would somehow finagle something. Long story short, I didn't. So a few weeks ago, I checked to see if she was willing to give it a shot, and she enthusiastically said to send it to her. I know she does lots of lace knitting, so it didn't surprise me to think she had someplace to block lace without meaning she had to move everyone out of her house to do so. I packed it up and sent it on a visit to Washington State (a place I have always wanted to visit, but no, the shawl went instead. Of course). I told her there was no hurry, and whenever she had the time and inclination was find with me.
When it was returned, I could not believe how amazing it looked - and that I had actually knit it! So I took a bunch of photos, and here they are. I liked the shawl before, but now - WOW!
THANK YOU LORETTE!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the offer of help in the first place, and then the time you clearly spent getting every part of it to look so nice.
15 November 2020
A Third Poem for a November Sunday
14 November 2020
Happy Saturday!
13 November 2020
Yesterday, right before I got to work, a woman stopped me to ask if I knew the time. So I looked at my watch and said, "It's about 3 minutes to 7." She kinda laughed and said, "A watch. How quaint. Thank you."
So I've decided that, going forward, if someone asks me the time again, I'll say, "Good neighbor, as I gaze upon the small timepiece upon mine wrist, it doth say to me that it is nearly seven of the clock this morn."
You want quaint, I'll give you quaint. 😀
12 November 2020
I Contain Multitudes
Walt Whitman was right - all of us contain multitudes, whether or not we think we do. I am often surprised when people who know me well are shocked or amazed to learn something about me that I have always thought was obvious, but there you go - multitudes.
I thought I'd share a few of them today, and join in on Three on Thursday. So here are three things that always seem to surprise people about me.
1. Last week, when we were waiting for the election results, The Tim and I were discussing some political topic, and he said, "Well, I am going to tell you what I think, based on what my favorite political analyst has said before." Now, I have to tell you, The Tim was suddenly all about government and politics this election season, providing both known and arcane factoids to me on a regular basis. Anyway, he quoted something I'd said a few weeks before, and I said, "Wait, I told you that last week," and he said, "Yes, you are my favorite political analyst because you know what you are talking about." And - well, I was surprised because 99% of the time, I know he ignores 99% of my blather about everything. I mentioned this to a friend, and she said, "Oh, I didn't think you were interested in any of that."
WHY would I have spent four years in college studying Political Science and Philosophy if I found it dull??
2. I am extremely socially liberal - if the trope that you get more conservative as you age is true, I must have been just ahead of Mussolini in the womb! That part is maybe not surprising, but people are often surprised to learn that on a personal level - meaning for me and my own self - I am pretty conservative in many ways. Mostly just about things regarding behaviors - for instance, thinking proper manners are very important and that people should *have* to practice them. But although my Bridget-centric world follows that belief, I do realize that a lot of people don't find them important at all, and to many, they are trivial in comparison to other things in the world. However, if someone decided to pass a law REQUIRING people to say Please and Thank You (as an example), I would fight it to the death!
3. The notion that I am calm and easygoing always amuses me. Trust me, I am neither, but I know better than to show otherwise in most situations. I have been mocked and taken advantage of too many times to fall into that trap again, and have also learned that it does no good to cause others panic (or even more panic) when something upsetting happens. So though I may be able to calmly deal with it or handle the crisis without outward distress, in my head the world is crashing down and I'm freaking out. Maybe you just don't need to know that. Plus, I am not easygoing. I just know how to choose my battles, at least publicly. My mind contains a whole 'nother life, if you know what I mean. 😇😈
What about you? Are there things people regularly think/assume about you that are not true, or that surprise you?
11 November 2020
10 November 2020
In Which I Decide Technology Is Out to Get Me
09 November 2020
A Weekend Like No Other
How was your weekend? 😜 As a friend of mine said, this will be a good "where were you when ..." memory.
I was out in our garden, finishing with the first parts of cleaning it up, and I could hear cheering and whooping. Not that unusual, since it was a warm day and people had their windows open, and there are a lot of people here who watch football or soccer or whatever and get very excited about it.
But about a minute later, The Tim came downstairs and said, "They just called it for Biden and Kamala!" and I stopped what I was doing and went through the house to open our door. Neighbors were already outside, dancing, cheering, and music was playing. So Hamlet and I went out to join them, and oh was it joyful! (The Tim did not join in, as he was afraid his dancing would "look like Trump's dancing." I didn't care.) I spent the rest of the day crying or smiling or both.
Philadelphia did not disappoint with their reactions, here are some photos for you to enjoy.
08 November 2020
A Second Poem for a November Sunday
07 November 2020
06 November 2020
We Got This
This is both a Facebook and Instagram post from a local group that is dedicated to all things Philadelphia history. They get it - you should too.
Have a good weekend!