14 November 2020

Happy Saturday!

Well, right now, this is one of the best Saturdays, ever!  You might think it was because it's really sunny after a few days of rain (nice), or because the temperatures are cool and autumn-ish again after warm days (really nice), but if you want me to think a day is wonderful, you'll never go wrong by serving these for breakfast:

(Not my photo - it's from Pinterest. But ours looked like this!)

Hash Brown Potatoes.  With lots of onion, pepper, and crusty on the outside.  The Tim made these for breakfast today, and oh what a treat!  We generally only have them on holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) but he said he "felt like fixing potatoes this morning," and decided on these.  

They were beyond yummy. 

And I didn't have to make them!


Araignee said...

I do love a good potato dish. I made fried potatoes the other day and they were so good.

Martha said...

Can't go wrong with homemade hash browns, yum!

KSD said...

Love hash browns. . .

Kim in Oregon said...

One of my favorite foods.

Ellen D. said...

Those do look perfect! It takes patience - not to flip them too soon so they are so nicely browned!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Sounds like a win-win!

Meredith said...

I can't believe you did not invite us all over, those look delicious. Stay safe.

Nance said...

Glorious! And you didn't have to do anything but eat them.