04 July 2019

Christmas in July 2019 - Week 1

Hi all - well, here we go!  I'm so glad that so many of you had a positive reaction to doing

Christmas in July

again this year.  Without further ado, let's get going, shall we?

Here is the prize for Week 1:

On the left, a tea bag carrier - yep, this little pouch lets you put up to three teabags inside, then you can zip it up and put it in your purse or your knitting bag, etc.  You always have the tea that *you* like with you!

On the right, the book Coffeehouse Knits - containing 20 patterns for all types of lovely things.  It really is a nice book, but I have looked through it several times, and I know that I'm unlikely to ever make any of the patterns.  So why not give it a good home?

If you are interested in this prize, please answer the questions below:

1.  Iced coffee or iced tea?
2.  Potato salad, macaroni salad, pasta salad, or green salad?

Let me know in the comments for this post only.  You have until midnight on Sunday, July 7, 2019, EDT.  I'll announce the winner on Monday, July 8.

Please note that this is open to anyone who wants to enter, but the questions must be answered in this post, so that they are all in one place.

And, on a separate note altogether:

Happy Fourth of July!

This is one of my favorite photos, taken a few years ago, when I was walking around in the neighborhood on July 4th.  This is Delancey Street, where the houses are all lovely, large town homes, originally built for wealthy people who needed a place to live when they came to town for work, "the season," etc.  The houses are still extremely expensive, but also really pretty, and fun to look at (and look into at dusk when the lights are on).  I just loved how, when the flags were out, the street still looked as it may have looked in the 1900s on this day. 

Enjoy your holiday, and remember, in spite of things currently happening, we live in a pretty amazing country where, with work and determination, we can make things how we want them to be once again.


Karen51 said...

Happy 4th! I hope you have a relaxing and safe day.
Such a fun Christmas in July.giveaway.
I prefer iced tea and I make a mean potato salad.

Lilly's Mom said...

Happy 4th of July dear Bridget! Enjoy your day. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🎉🎆🎉🇺🇲🇺🇲

Bonny said...

Iced tea (but made with the kind of tea that *I* like), potato salad (it's my excuse to eat bacon), and thank you for you timely reminder. I so hope we can make things the way they are meant to be next November.

Araignee said...

Iced coffee in the morning and iced tea in the afternoon.
Macaroni salad is like crack to me. If I was on death row it would be my last meal. I can't have it in the house or I will eat the whole bowl which I probably will do tonight and then be sick.
Happy 4th!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Happy 4th!

Iced tea for me - I only like coffee in icecream and chocolate bars.
The salad one is harder. No potato or pasta salad for me. But there's a company here called Ziggy's that makes and awesome macaroni salad and I love a nice fresh, crisp green salad. (Unless its a Caesar or someone had put feta cheese on it....)

Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for sharing the picture!
If I had to make a choice, I'd pick iced coffee but i'd be OK with iced tea. And I should say 'green salad' but the truth is potato salad.

KSD said...

There really is something about a nice house with all its lights on, isn't there?

I don't like coffee in any form, so I guess iced tea? (Though I don't drink it very much. Don't tell my fellow Southerners.)

Potato salad. Paprika decor on top optional. ;

Anne in Virginia said...

Hi! Longtime lurker here, not having posted before. But the Coffeehouse Knits is one I've considered getting for awhile, so here's a shot at it: Iced coffee, oh, iced coffee, definitely! I have some of my own home-roasted Ehiopian Yirga Cheffee black over ice at my right hand at this moment. On this 98 degree day, it's what is needed. And as for the salads, definitely green salad with a homemade dressing -- it's what's on the menu at my house most days from Spring through Fall.

Thanks for taking the time to share your life with us.

nypeapod said...

Iced tea, love the smell of coffee but hate the taste. Green salad. On another note I thought I was maybe the only strange bird that carried around her own tea bags. Now if I could only get eating establishments to offer real cream instead of low fat milk I would be totally tea happy.

sprite said...

I'm a tea drinker all the way. And I like all of those salads (although what's the difference between pasta salad and macaroni salad?), but I guess I'd go with green if only ever allowed one again.

sprite said...

Oh, and Happy Independence Day! Obviously we are skipping the Lincoln Memorial this year, where we usually watch the fireworks from. But maybe Georgetown's waterfront (they turned all that parking down on K St. into a nice park), if the weather gods refuse to weigh in on today's show.

Caffeine Girl said...

I have a strong preference for iced coffee -- but I already own the book. I haven't made anything from it yet, but I do think that I will.

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

It's iced coffee for me. As for the salads, if my husband's aunt made the potato salad, my mom made the macaroni salad, my friend Marci made the pasta salad and the green salad was actually a cobb salad, I'd have to eat them all because I'd never be able to choose. Otherwise, I'd pick the one without pickles or onions. I'm only slightly high maintenance. :)
Love the photo!

Meredith said...

Of course iced tea and green salad. I have never been a fan of potato salad or pasta salad, pasta should be warm not cold. Hugs to you Bridget.