09 April 2020

A Game Changer, A Surprise, and A Happy Project

Hello - I hope all of you are doing well and that your loved ones are also OK.  Right now I'm sitting here after a Zoom departmental meeting, and decided that I would write my post now to get the bad taste of most of them out of my mouth and brain.  It also happens to be Three on Thursday, so I thought I would share three things as described above in the title to this post.  :-)

1.  The Game Changer - I do not remember where I saw this, but I've been sharing it ad nauseum for everyone I know.  Do your glasses/sunglasses fog up when you wear a face mask?  Well, I saw an article with a suggestion, and I have tried it now several times, and have to say, it works really really well, to avoid the fog.  Here is the idea:  take a tissue and fold it to make a long, rectangular strip.  Then you place it over the bridge of your nose, under the mask, and of course, tie the mask as usual.  Guess what???  No glasses fogging from your breath!  I realize this may be old news to some/all of you, but it was new to me and I'm grateful for the person who figured it out in the first place.

2.  The Surprise - All of my plants are still alive and seem quite happy!  This may not be a big deal to you, but it is for me.  I used to have all kinds of plants, but our house doesn't get a lot of bright, direct sunlight, so everything died pretty quickly when we moved here.  Over the years, I had some success with other plants, and was still doing well with violets.  The other plants died, the Koodle kept knocking the violets over until they were so continually broken apart, they just died.  So for a long time, I had no plants at all.   Then I bought that small poinsettia at Christmastime, as well as a Christmas cactus, and they did fine.  So when a plant shop opened in the neighborhood, I decided to try a few more.  I am happy to report that as of this writing, they all seem to be quite happy and doing well - even the little poinsettia!

Someday when I can leave the house again, I'm going to get a couple more, and even try a violet or two again, now that I have a place to put them that is out of the Koodle's reach.  But I can't tell you how much these guys please me.  I also think that having Barry Bear and Llily Llama keep them company is helping ...

3.  The Happy Project - I know I showed this yesterday, but after that I added the third color, and I'm just enjoying knitting it and looking at it so much, that it may be the project that is currently making me the happiest.

So that is my contribution for today.  I hope you are finding good things that surprise you or make you happy.  We all need to find it somehow for ourselves.  

Take care.  Stay home.  Wash your hands.

We'll get there.  :-)


Shirley said...

While I had never heard of the tissue trick to resolve the problem of eyeglasses fogging when wearing a mask, it does make sense. I will be trying that the next time I go out. I have had to resort to taking my glasses off before I get out of my vehicle. The few times I have been out, almost everyone has been wearing masks and gloves. I love your plants and they certainly do look happy. I think it would be impossible to look at your shawl and not smile. Happy Thursday.

Patty said...

Nice job on the plants! And for the tip...the wife of a co-worker has gifted me two masks so I shall try your trick soon!

AsKatKnits said...

Hurrah for green thumbs... yes? And for very good tips! And knitting projects that bring joy!

Vera said...

The shawl is so pretty! I found yesterday, walking with a bandanna, that if I periodically adjusted it, no fogging! But I will keep the tissue trick in mind for next time. Thanks!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm so glad to see your plants doing well.
I've never had luck with violets... other than keeping them away from cats, any tips?

Dee said...

Isn't it great when your knitting projects make you happy?

Congrats on the plants. I would have more if I had a good place to put them.
Tiny house = not much plant space.

WendyKnits said...

THANK YOU for the tissue tip. I've been wearing my glasses since reading advice that you not wear contact lenses these days so you don't have to touch your eyes . . . and the fogginess was very annoying!

Araignee said...

When I make soap I wipe down my glasses and my googles with baby shampoo to keep them from fogging. I read that somewhere and it works but I like the tissue idea as I don't always have baby shampoo handy but I always have tissues.
Your happy project makes me happy too! I love a stripey shawl.

Nance said...

Your shawl looks lovely and bright. It will be cheery to wear.

I have terrible luck with houseplants, but I brought in a small geranium from our porch in the fall, and it has thrived! It has bloomed continuously all winter and now spring with huge red bursts. Go figure.

kathy b said...

We are getting there Brigit you are right. Love your knitting

Mereknits said...

Brilliant idea for the mask/glasses situation. I will try it next time I am out. Stay safe my friend.

Minerva said...

What bright, beautiful knitting! And thanks for the anti-fog mask!