30 April 2020

Just Stay Home

I'm still here, I've just been busy the past couple of days with Zoom meetings, and then I'm not really in the mood to be on the computer for fun, you know?

Today is the final day in the month of April, which for a lot of people, means they have been home due to quarantine for more than a month.  As someone who doesn't do much socializing even when it's more easily possible, not being around friends and co-workers doesn't really bother me that much.  I would like to be able to see my family - no Rehoboth Beach at Easter, no trip to see everyone on Memorial Day this year - and it is nice to see them on Zoom if nowhere else.  I know it's really difficult for many people.  And it's really worrisome to be low on money, and wonder about how/if/when/how much you can pay the bills.  There are a lot of negatives, even for those of us who have been lucky enough to remain healthy.

So what do so many people want now?  They want the restrictions lifted, so they can get their salon visits in, so they can go out to dinner again, so they can go golfing or to the gym.  I realize that a lot of places have had very few outbreaks, and everyone is struggling one way or another, and feel that they are somehow being punished by being FORCED to stay home.  Small businesses in particular are going out of business, or are worried it will happen 

And the Lieutenant Governor of Texas has famously suggested that older people not mind dying so that the younger people can continue living, and who more recently pointed out that "There are more important things than living."

If you agree, I think you should a) go ahead and feel free to die, and b) maybe stop reading my blog; though of course if you're dead, that's a moot point.

But here are three things I would ask you to keep in mind, since it's Three on Thursday.

1.  Keep in mind that those who die as a result of Covid-19 die alone, and are put to rest alone.  No kiss goodbye, no chance to squeeze a loved one's hand, no chance to say, "I love you, it's OK to go."  No chance for a funeral or memorial service to be comforted by family and friends, and take comfort in at least being together.  And yes, I know that people die alone and suddenly on a regular basis, but this is something that can be prevented if you JUST STAY HOME.  Yes, it can be very depressing and anxiety-inducing (ask me how I know), but suck it up people and JUST STAY HOME.

2.  Imagine losing more than one family member at one time, not due to a horrific accident or murder, but because others felt their need to look good was more important and "I won't go near anyone."  Just change your name to Mike Pence and have your spouse say that you "didn't know masks were required" when you go places, when in fact YOU JUST COULDN'T BE BOTHERED.

3.  Have you ever had last rites, or been with someone when that is happening?  It's upsetting, beyond sad, and if the person involved is conscious, scary but comforting.  Largely because others can be there, even if just a doctor or nurse, because they are able to do so, and can touch the person and see them on their final journey.  In the worst way possible, it is still a solace.

Instead of a scene like this one, where a priest had to provide last rites through a window.

I hope that none of you lose anyone to this horrible pandemic, and that if/when you do lose a loved one, you can feel that they died surrounded by love and dignity. 

Whether you call it God, Karma, Allah, or the Universal Good, make yourself worthy of this world.  And if you have atheist beliefs, remember that we have this one chance to help others on this earth.  I'd like to think people would do it for me.  But frankly, I'm starting to wonder.

Sorry to be such a downer, but I'm getting increasingly annoyed and upset with people who are PERFECTLY HEALTHY whining because they can't do what they feel like doing. 


(rant over)


Claudia Bugh said...

Well said Bridget! My mom is in an assisted living facility and is 93 years old and I assure you she enjoys her life - this is her retirement!!! Long may she enjoy it, she deserves it and so do the others of the greatest generation. I do think there can be a prudent balancing of interests and some people will be in quarantine for much longer than others, including me and Steve, but to simply resume life as normal is not an option.

Bonny said...

That thought of dying alone, having a loved one die alone, or thinking about anyone dying alone has haunted me. A friend's mother died last week and she said the funeral with only three people present was the worst. I so wanted to go, but stayed home and will continue to do so until it is safe.

Minerva said...

I completely agree. And I too, miss Rehoboth. :(

Karen51 said...

Bridget, I read your blog, but I guess I’m called a lurker. Well, not today. I agree with all your sentiments in today’s post. I think many people’s ignorance is showing . Like the Lt Gov in Tx. Stay well.

Patricia & Fouad said...

Thank you dear Bridget for your words of wisdom. As a conservative, Orthodox Christian, my husband and I are staying home and obeying the rules of our state. This is a horrible, vicious virus that can attack anyone. My dear friends husband died of Covid 19 and he received the most excellent, up to date medical care. Stay safe dear friend.

Kym said...

My brain is just sort of exploding all the time these days. I can't reconcile what's happening, how this dumpster fire just continues to burn out of control. I'm tired and I'm sad and I just want to go lie down in the street for a while. (I won't. Don't worry.) Thanks for another honest and heartfelt post, Bridget. Be well, my friend. XO

Nance said...

I agree one hundred percent. People's immaturity, selfishness, and ignorance are not only boundless but disappointing.

I am especially wounded; a member of my family is awaiting COVID-19 test results right now.

AsKatKnits said...

I wish I could be as eloquent as you about all those who think that the "dying" are meaningless. I just rant and the rage boils over. I have spent many a day weeping in my meditations as I think about all those dying alone. Thank you for your articulate honesty! XO

Araignee said...

I just lost my dad to pneumonia and it's a terrible way to go. All these young people who want to take their chances facing that down are insane. You can spend all day reading articles from medical journals that describe even worse things this virus does to you. We don't know what the heck we are even dealing with at this early stage. It's one scary bug. No thank you. You can open everything back up but I won't be joining in. Not until we have a vaccine or a cure.

Helen said...

Yes, whining about little things and missing the bigger things others are having to deal with. Thank you!