21 February 2024

Hooray! It's Dryer Day!

Friends, relatives, and mere acquaintances - rejoice with me today, because after a year and a half of anguish and agonizing, at some point this afternoon between noon and 4 p.m., a truck from Lowe's will arrive, and a new clothes dryer will be delivered and the old dryer hauled away. To say I am excited would be an understatement. To say that I 100 percent realize what an adult kind of thing that is to be excited about would be true. But such is life.

Do not be surprised to see a post soon with a photo of said new dryer, extolling its virtues and full of stories of the slow death of the old dryer. Again, such is life.

In the meantime, I have been knitting. One of my projects is what I am calling my Birthday Socks. The colorway of the yarn is Pisces, and since that is my astrological sign, I'm making them to wear on my birthday. Whereas most people cast on a special project ON their birthday, I want to have these finished by then. 

I finished the first sock last week. I'm sure that my erstwhile (yet napping ) assistant was the inspiration to finish so quickly. I plan to cast on the second sock either later today (after the dryer delivery) or tomorrow, and I have every belief that I will be able to finish on time. 

Do you remember a little while back, when I showed you this WIP?

It is no longer a viable project. I kept going nearly to the arm division, and decided that it just was not what I was wanting. So I visited the frog pond, and have cast on for something else. I have a specific thing I'm hoping to end up with, and I think this time I'm on a better track.

I'm also going along pretty well on my Alpine Bloom hat, using the kit I purchased from Barrett Wool Co. It's slow going, but I'm enjoying it, and I just hope when it's all finished, it fits my big head! 😊

I shall do my best to get some decent photos of these items, once the sun sticks around for more than 20 minutes. Today would work, but my afternoon is dedicated to waiting for the dryer delivery, so I don't want to get started on taking photos and get interrupted, as it can be dangerous around here to leave a knitting project out of the project bag and unattended.

Yes, they are resting in a sunspot now. But the lure of a project laid out on the floor would be too much to resist, I'm certain.

And that's what is happening around here. I hope you are having a good week, and that your knitting is behaving well. 

Stay tuned for all of the dryer excitement! But please, don't let yourself get so worked up that you lose sleep until I regale you with the whole story ... 


Kim in Oregon said...

I literally cannot wait to see the new dryer and am hoping you'll do a video of it in action.

Araignee said...

How exciting! As someone who just did the Lowe's delivery thing for a new washer and dryer not that long ago, I feel your joy.

Alison said...

My heart skipped a beat when I read you were getting a new dryer! Oh happy day! I am on edge thinking what will be next…..a new vacuum cleaner? Can't wait to hear how the tumbling went.

Nance said...

Oh frabjous day! Calloo callay! A new dryer is on its way!
I know how joyful it feels when a new appliance makes its appearance, eliminating at least one inconvenience and worry from your days.

KSD said...

Ooooh. . . New dryer settings to check out! A reason to actually want to do laundry!

That's adulthood excitement right there.

Kym said...

Oh, HURRAY for Dryer Day! I hope that by the time you read this, it is happily ensconced AND appropriately christened! XO