10 December 2011

A Little Bit of Christmastime Fun

I have a bunch of personal days to take at work by the end of the year, or I'll lose them, so I'm enjoying a lot of December long weekends!  I can highly recommend it, since for me at  least, I love being able to take time off at Christmastime.  When you have some extra time off, everything is just a whole lot more leisurely.

Yesterday was probably my laziest day.  I just noodled around in the morning, and then met my friend Kate for lunch.  I owed her an overdue birthday lunch, and we had a really lovely time, and a yummy meal.  Then I came home and just kinda hung out until The Tim got home from work, at which time we headed out to get a Christmas tree.  We found one that is just so pretty, and our house smells so good now, all pine-y and fresh.

Jetsam is thrilled with the tree.  Pip is puzzled by the whole thing, and *very* worried about the lights, as they go off and than on again, and that can't be a good thing as far as he's concerned.  I have a feeling though, that once the ornaments come out, he'll be a little bit too interested ...

Today there was putting lights on the tree and baking (The Tim), and unpacking the non-tree ornaments and putting them in place (me).  Just a few finishing touches are left.  We'll probably decorate the tree tomorrow evening.  I can't wait!!

In the meantime, we will be leaving the house shortly to go to the Christmas concert of the Philadelphia Boys Choir.  Neither of us have seen/heard them in person, and we are excited for the concert.  (The fact the it's being held less than a ten-minute walk away from our house doesn't hurt, either ...)

Have a lovely Christmastime Saturday evening!


sprite said...

It's sounding like a wonderful holiday season weekend. Enjoy the concert!

Lynn said...

This happened to my sister one year and she took off a lot of time during the summer when I was on summer break. She took a friday and a monday off every week for a month!!! She had a hard time going back to work a full 5 day week after that!!!! LOL enjoy the time off. it sounds like you are getting lots done.

Kim said...

Sounds positively divine.

Carrie#K said...

The Choir sounds divine, I hope it is! And so close too!

Better *worried than "too interested"! I'm waiting for Hez to decide to send the village to the floor to make room for a nap.

*well, not too worried! Kitty-cats should have lovely worry-free lives, IMO.

Rebecca (socks-for-mum) said...

I agree! I have a little Westie who is way too curious about the tree and the things lying beneath it. Have fun 'noodling around'.....LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Jetsam and Pip reactions as that was going to be my question when I saw that you had purchased your tree. Jetsam has been through it before, but Pip should be a riot since he approaches everything with such "enthusiasm."

Lorraine said...

Bridget- I commend you. We still have to get a tree, and decorate. I think I'll get Miss Mew to do it.

After all, what are kids for?