I couldn't resist this image - it made me laugh out loud and I hope it at least amuses you.
There are some weeks where you just wonder ... about a lot of things. This has been that kind of week for me. Granted, I'm always wondering about something or someone, but this week outidid itself.
Because I am privileged to be able to do so, and in order to remind myself of the good, I've decided to do a TGIF post about the good.
Thinking about - The Tim's birthday on Monday. I have a couple of gifts that I know he will like (this is one of them), and he has requested to go to a new pub attached to a local brewery on Sunday night, followed by stuffed cabbage and birthday cake on Monday. Sounds good to me, as we have been wanting to try the pub, and stuffed cabbage and birthday cake are always a good idea, as far as I'm concerned!
Giggling about - this morning, when the Koodle entered the room meowing. I said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Koodle!" and the Tim immediately followed with (in a deep, annoucer voice), "Straight from his groundbreaking act in Las Vegas!" and for some reason that is still making me crack up.
Interested in - watching the new season of "The Crown." I really love Olivia Colman for one, and though I am not a fan of the royal family, I love costume and historical shows/movies. I hope it will be as good as the previous seasons.
Feeling good about - being more on top of things this year regarding birthdays and holidays than I have been for the last few years. Granted, last year I had a legit reason to struggle, since I had the broken wrist. But without really much effort on my part, I feel like I know what I want to do for the people I buy/make gifts for. I've even started thinking what kind of baking I might do (WHO AM I??).
I hope you can think of at least four good things, and that you have a good weekend. :-)
LOVE the TGIF image!! Fabulous!!
It's a good thing to think about good things, that's for sure! Thanks for sharing YOUR good things. :-) Happy Birthday to Tim. I hope he enjoys an extravaganza of a celebration all weekend and through Monday! XO
I'm stealing that pic for my facebook!
I hope the Tim has a fabulous birthday.
I have to wait two more days for the new season of The Crown here. I hate waiting...
1. Bridget.
2. The thought of stuffed cabbage and birthday cake.
3. Bridget.
4. The Tim, I guess. (Alternate answer: Bridget.)
I also can't wait for The Crown to return. I've been watching Olivia Coleman and Helena Bonham Carter's interviews with Graham Norton on You Tube and their behind the scene stories are hilarious. The one where they had a real friend of Princess Margaret describing her honeymoon was so funny I almost had an asthma attack from laughing.
Those are all good things! Have a good weekend!
Happy Friday dear Bridget! It was a joy to read your post today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🍂🍁😺🍁🍂
Love the TGIF image and your TGIF! Hope The Tim has a wonderful birthday and it sure sounds like he should.
I kept misreading that as "stuffed cabbage birthday cake," which did not sound delicious at all. I'm glad it'll be two separate dishes! Enjoy the weekend!
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