09 October 2020

Five Favorites for This Friday

Seems like a long time since I've done one of these posts, but I actually have five things, so let's give it a go.

Here are five of my favorite things from the past week.

1.  The Eagles FINALLY won a game!  Even though the division that they are in is made up of all teams that suck this year, this win actually put them in first place.  I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

2.  At work on Monday, I got to pet a 6-month old baby sloth and feed her some zucchini sticks!  We have an exhibit at work called "Survival of the Slowest," and Lulu the sloth is the main attraction for most people.  When the exhibit first started, she was teeny, but now she is six-months old, and since the museum is open a few days a week now, she is back.  The other day, her keeper had her out in the entryway (it was a day the museum was closed to the public), to get her more used to people, and all of the sounds.  I was so excited to see her, and the keeper said, "If you want to use some hand sanitizer, you can pet her."  And I've never moved so fast in my life.  She was so sweet, surprisingly soft, and those sweet eyes were just the best.  Since she was having her lunch, I got to give her a couple of zucchini sticks.  This will be a favorite for more than just this week!

3.  Kamala Harris pleased me at the debate.  Granted, I like her a lot anyway, but especially compared to Mike Pence, she was clearly the standout.  And then of course the fly - I know some people thought it was immature and stupid how people were going on about it, but I think the inner 8-year-old boy in all of us thought it was freaking hilarious.

4.  I was able to do something for someone that they didn't expect and clearly appreciated, so it was a favorite for both of us.

5.  The Tim and I just returned from a walk over to City Hall to drop off our ballots. Granted, it's not as much fun as actually walking into the booth and voting, but it was a lovely walk, the people accepting the ballots were pleasant and very conscientious, there was no line at the time, and best of all, we did our part to get rid of the Orange Menace and his ilk.  PLEASE VOTE.

So even though there were plenty of not so great things this past week, these things all made me happy.  You gotta take it where you can find it these days, right?

As a bonus, I hope this will make you smile.

Have a good weekend!


Caffeine Girl said...

You got to pet a baby sloth! What an amazing experience!
I didn't see the debate because I was sitting shiva, but it sounds like Kamala did a good job. Whew!

Araignee said...

My favorite thing this week was getting suspended from Twitter for 12 hours last night because I dared to tell someone who was condoning violence towards the MI governor to eff off. I guess using that word is such such a danger to the world at large that I had to be silenced and put in time out to protect all the extreme right wing crazies sensibilities. Insert eye roll here...

kathy b said...

Aww I love your favorite things. I loved Kamala 's skill and debate style. She's wonderful.
Favorite things this week: Bears Won. TomBrady did NOT shake our young new quarterbacks hand. Big baby.
I love my new yarns.
I love how warm it was and sunny all week. It made coming back from Oklahoma much nicer.

Dee said...

My inner 8-year old has been giggling all week about that fly. In an ordinary year this probably would have come and gone in 2 seconds. This year? The fly RULES the innerwebs!

OMG . . . a SLOTH????? I'm surprised you didn't grab it and head home!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm so jealous about that sloth!
I got to play with a 3 month old tiger when I was about 10. It's still the highlight of my childhood!

Ellen D. said...

You are right that we have to treasure the little things that make us happy and be grateful! I liked your list and it made me think back to my week and appreciate how lucky I really am. Got to stop focusing on the crazy negatives going on right now! Thanks so much for lifting my spirits!

Nance said...

What a huge perk of your job--petting a real animal and feeding it. I'm always so jealous of zoo staff and the like when they get to cuddle the animals. SIGN ME UP!

I admit feeling smug and snotty about the Debate Fly as well. The best line I read was that "it was Mike Pence's only black friend."

One of my favourite things this week was voting and seeing almost everyone in line with their Democratic slate card.

Minerva said...

A sloth at work? Man that would make my day! We have one in the rainforest portion of the National Aquarium in Baltimore, But he seems to be quite elusive. I've only seen him once. But you got to pet one! Lucky you!

karen said...

I didn't know you worked with a sloth!? I hope the human sloths are not put out by the real one :) I am avoiding the debates due to my sensitive nature, however I read up the next day to be in the know.