24 July 2020

Another Friday FO! Plus, Leaving the House!

At the beginning of December 2019, I started a pair of Christmas-themed socks for me, knowing that with everything else happening during Christmastime, it was likely they may not be finished.  And by the time the holiday season was over, I had one sock completed.  Which was fine with me, I figured I'd start sock #2 sometime around November 2020, so they'd be completed for that holiday season.

You know, thinking 2020 would be pretty much like any other year.  And we all know what *that's* taught us! 😲

Project:  Rudolph and  Clarice Socks
Pattern:  Vintage Fairy Lights, by Helen Stewart
Needles:  US size 1
Yarn:  Sweet Sparrow Sock Yarn, colorway Rudolph and Clarice
Modifications:  I knit the foot of the sock plain, rather than continuing the ribbing.  I remember that when I was knitting the first sock, once I got past the heel, I forgot completely about the ribbing, and got to a certain point and just figured I'd go with it.
Notes:  Thanks to Christmas in July, now both socks are finished!  The second one took longer than I expected because I had just started the foot when I realized that after the patterning at the top, I'd stopped doing the ribbing at all!  So I ripped back because I knew that it would bother me (particularly on a pair of Christmas socks!), and re-knit in the ribbing until the heel flap.

I've had this yarn for a couple of years, and if you have read my blog for any amount of time, you can surely understand why I purchased yarn in a colorway called "Rudolph and Clarice."  The pattern was well written and easy to figure out (I have since noticed that this is the norm with Helen Stewart patterns), and the yarn was lovely to knit.  It was fun watching the "fairy lights" start to show up, and I would definitely knit this pattern again. 

Now I have a finished pair of socks for July, as well as a finished pair of Christmas socks.  Plus, a reminder of my very fave Christmas show.  Who knows, I may just get them out and look at them every year instead of wearing them! 😉


This is supposed to be another hot and steamy weekend here in Philadelphia - you know, the kind where you wonder why you bothered to even shower since you don't really dry off the whole day.  I want to do a couple of organizing projects on our third floor, which has an air conditioning unit, so there may actually be chance they will at least get started ... but the most exciting thing coming up for me is that TOMORROW I AM GETTING MY HAIRCUT BY AN ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL!!!!!  Don't get me wrong, I've appreciated The Tim's willingness to do what he could a couple of times, but I'm looking forward to an actual haircut by someone who is trained to do just that.  When I made the appt soon after it was announced that salons could open, I made sure to make it enough in advance so that I could determine if it seemed like a good idea to go.  Lately there has been an uptick in Covid-19 cases (don't go there with me), but most have been traced to restaurants and bars in the area, none to hair salons.  I checked on some local websites, and it sounds like the place where I am going (which is new to me, because of course) is doing an excellent job of cleaning, social distancing, etc. and receiving excellent reviews.  So I'm gonna give it a try.  As I told The Tim, from everything I have heard and read, they seem to be on the ball.  He says that as I am a person who is so abundantly cautious, he feels confident it will all work out.

And of course I want it to, because this is a huge venture for me at this point.  But if the worst happens, at least my hair will look better ... ?


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Fantastic sock finish!

Best of luck with the hair cut. My hair is approaching the point (past mid back) where I usually go drastic and get a pixie cut. We'll see how long I can last before I give in.

Araignee said...

My neighbor works in a hair salon and was scared to death to go back to work. It's been ages now and she's fine. We do have a mask order here in MD so it goes to show you that they work when you use them right. Bars and restaurants-not so much.
Good luck...hair cuts are scary enough even without a virus.

Vera said...

Like Val, mine is really long...like almost to my waist when I get out of the shower, but I have no plans to get it cut at this point. Good luck and let's have a picture of the new you next week!!

Lorette said...

Nice socks! I love those colors. I need a haircut badly, but haven’t gotten around to scheduling yet.

kathy b said...

oh nice socks. I have had my husband trim my hair...lol.....i think it just stopped growing due to my thyroid bien g off. good timing i guess

AsKatKnits said...

I love those socks! (and I hope your haircut went well and will have no repercussions...I am not ready to take that huge leap yet, but I am super impressed with your bravery!)

steph said...

I'm so lucky in the haircut department....I go to a young lady who has her own studio. Just her. (She also has a shop with clothes and gift items that her mom handles) So when things opened, there was quite a queue of her regulars, but she was extra careful (her dad is compromised health-wise) and you really felt quite comfortable going....and the two of us were the only ones there. Can't beat that...although that is our norm for a haircut (minus the mask wearing!)

Love the socks...!!! Christmas in July is working out well for you!!

Meredith said...

Hope the hair cut was a great experience and everything felt safe for you. Love the socks.
Stay safe.

Nance said...

Give us an update on the haircut. I need one badly, but it's mostly laziness that has kept me from it. My stylist has a one-chair shop and is over-the-top about sanitizing and safety.

Socks look great! And I'm holding out hope for a cooldown for both of us.

WendyKnits said...

My one "personal care" appointment since the middle of March -- I went to the dentist for cleaning and check-up on July 14! My first time really "out" in 4 months. I kept debating whether or not to keep the appointment but I really hated the idea of not getting my teeth cleaned. I was the only patient in the office, and the hygienist was geared up as if she was going to disarm a nuclear device, so I felt pretty safe.

I have no idea what my hair REALLY looks like since I haven't used my hair dryer in 4 months -- it is currently just a weird curly mass. I trim the bangs once a month and hope for the best!

karen said...

love the socks and I had my first haircut this past week, I worried but it was nice to have a little trim.