01 May 2020

A Smile for the First Day of May

We all could use some happy, so here's one to send you in to your weekend.

 Who's a good dog???

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will!
(And for anyone who is wondering, this is Hamlet-approved.)

Take care everyone, and have the best weekend you can!


Nance said...

But the best thing is that he has a 5x7 photo of Brody on his desk!

AsKatKnits said...

I LOVED this video! Brodie wins the month for me! XO

Araignee said...

Awwww......I miss my grand golden. I was supposed to be dog sitting him while Son and family went to Maine for a week. I guess that's not happening.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Aww. Love it!

Minerva said...

This did make me smile! Thank you. Happy May!

Meredith said...

This is the weatherman from my local station. He is really lovely.

kathy b said...

Oh Goldens!!!