30 January 2015

Five Favorites for This Friday

I haven't done a favorites post in a little while, so I think it's time.

1.  Not only is it the Friday of a tough week at work, but it's also payday!  Not that it means I'll have money to spend, once the bills are paid, but I still like the idea of payday ...

2.  This.

GAH!  I need to make it, don't you think it's so adorable - and it's made from old socks!  You can find the details here.

3.  Glazed donuts.  I decided that I will allow myself an out of the ordinary (read: not-so-healthy, not homemade) treat with my morning tea break at work on the last working day Friday of each month.  Today I treated myself to a glazed donut, and enjoyed every single bite.

4.  Meeting a knitter and blogger in real life, who turns out to be someone that I like in real life as well.  The whole story will be in another post.  :-)

5.  Still Alice, by Lisa Genova.  The book, not the movie (which I have not seen).  Though in many ways it is a very sad story, the book at least is told from Alice's standpoint, which is an unusual way to do it.  It makes it seem very real, and I have to say that it helped me remember to be mindful.  I will of course have more to say about it when I write my monthly book report.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  We have a couple of things we have to do tomorrow, but they will be accomplished early in the day (and include going out to breakfast - YAY!), but the rest of the weekend will be warm coziness, if I get my way.

What about you?  What were your favorites for this past week?

Have a lovely weekend - cozy, exciting, or whatever!


pam said...

I hope you are having a good weekend!

kathy b said...

I love that cat!

Pammy Sue said...

Hello there! I followed your link from Kathyb's comments. If you are making that shawl, I want to see it be born! I'm a beginning knitter myself, although I've crocheted for years. Just made my first knitted project and finished yesterday. I'm going to check out that book you mentioned. I'm in need of a good read.

Meredith said...

Still Alice is the scariest book I have ever read as I always feel I am forgetting things and it is written so brilliantly. I swear I remembered the address she had to remember when she went to the Doctor for years. I haven't seen the movie yet.
Hugs to you,