14 February 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day (or rather, "Valentime's Day" as I called it as a kid), and always have.  It was always a fun day in our house - my parents would give us cards, and usually some kind of treat or little package.  It was always just a day to be happy and try to make someone feel better, rather than a day when you had to be part of a couple, or give elaborate gifts. 

The Tim and I have pretty much the same kind of observance, but with a birthday party added.  Four of our cats over the years had their birthdays on Valentine's Day - not that it was their actual birthday, as far as we knew, but based on what the vet would tell us when we went took them the first time, it seemed like they were born in February - so why not February 14???

Our only Valentine birthday kitty now is Pip, and he was quite pleased with himself this morning.  He'll likely have a good day, since The Tim is home today, so Pip can provide constant narration to the various happenings at home.  Then tonight all of the furballs will get treats, and Pip will get a catnip heart I found the other day (well, it will be *given* to him, I'm sure it will be community property pretty quickly).  The Tim and I will celebrate with birthday cake!  It's win-win for all of us.

Then there's only one more day of work until a long weekend for Presidents' Day.  Works for me. :-)


Araignee said...

I love Valentine's Day too. Any day that lets you eat chocolate guilt free is a winner by me.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Hope you have a fabulous Valentimes! And a great long weekend!

AsKatKnits said...

Hurrah for a long weekend! And, Happy Valentimes day! :)

Kim in Oregon said...

I love the birthday cake idea! Enjoy!

sprite said...

I love giving people Valentine's Day cards. It's all about sharing love as far as I'm concerned! (And eating cake, although I had to postpone that part until tomorrow.)

Kym said...

Our dog-before-the-current-dogs was Jake. He was WONDERFUL -- and also celebrated a Valentine's Day birthday. (It's been 12 years, and I still miss him. . . ) I hope you enjoy your lovely, long weekend! XO