02 June 2023

A Day At The Beach

Yesterday was our beach day of our vacation week, and we headed to Ocean City, New Jersey. It was just perfect - sunny, with a cool breeze, and not many people around. We had not been to the shore since before the pandemic, and it was nice to see that the Atlantic Ocean was still there doing what it does best. 

It was pretty uncrowded - we got there in the middle of the day, and I guess since most kiddos are still in school, there were only a few other people sitting on the beach. And the water is still really cold, so no one was in the water.

The ocean didn't care though - it was pretty rough and choppy, and therefore extra noisy. But the beach actually does belong to it, so we have no right to tell it to be quiet. 😉

Then around 4, we left to go get the car and head to Somers Point, New Jersey, which is just over the bridge. It was time to make a visit to one of our most fave places in the universe, that nearly closed last year after having a tough time during the pandemic. Thank God they were able to stay open!

We love this place so much! It's the typical beachy place like we both remember from when we were kids and took summer vacations to the shore. Formica tables, paper plates and cups, and too much food - we ate most of what we ordered except they gave us too many french fries, and as The Tim said, they give the leftovers to the seagulls, so they won't go to waste.

We got home about 8 pm and still had time to cuddle with the kitties, have a cup of tea and watch some shows before we headed to bed. 

I hope this year we'll get our act together and take more day trips to the shore. It's so close, and such a lovely way to spend a day. And I just love the ocean and how it is both so appealing and so frightening. I could watch the waves come in forever.

Today is final preparations to celebrate one year of Alfie, and then tomorrow we head to Annapolis for the day. Sunday it's back to work for me, and Monday for The Tim. 

Real life can be annoying, right?

Whatever is in store for your weekend, I hope you can have time to relax and enjoy it. Take care.


Araignee said...

What a wonderful day! French fries always taste better at the beach for some reason.

Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for the photos! We do love living at the ocean for all the reasons you mention. There are downsides, of course, but oh well.

I forget how close everything is back east--you are going to a different state and it doesn't take you five hours to get there (does it?).

sprite said...

We were also at the beach yesterday, although in Delaware. Lots of beach erosion from Hurricane Ian (I can't imagine what happens on the weekend when they hit high tide), but we didn't have to share with many people and had a lovely afternoon on the shore.

KSD said...

Restaurants with whiteboards are almost always gems.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

The end of a vacation is always the saddest point.

The fry/seagull story made me laugh. The other day we went through the drivethru at Burger King. We were sitting in the truck eating it, and there was a wee sparrow in the tree in front of us. Dave insisted on throwing him a fry, even though I said "Sparrows don't eat fries". Sure enough the sparrow ignored it... but as we started to pull away after finishing... a big crow flew down, grabbed the fry and took off!

Kym said...

Such a great beach day! (But then, I think ANY day at the beach is a great day . . . ) So glad you and Tim were able to enjoy such a lovely vacation day together. XO