21 June 2024

Five Favorites For This Friday

Hello there, I hope if you are in the current heat wave you are surviving. And if you are not, I hope you are enjoying whatever weather you have where you are!

My week has been OK. I had originally thought I'd do a couple of things that once we got into the throes of the heat I realized were pretty unrealistic, but on the plus side, I had only one doctor's appointment this week, so that was nice.

In any case, I decided to do another favorites post, so here are five of my favorite things this past week, in no particular order.

1. Our trip to Baltimore last weekend. You already heard about this, but it was extra nice because we are not taking a vacation trip this summer, so any small trips are extra enjoyable.

2. Workmen who are especially helpful and honest. We have a small brick planter in front of our house that has been there for however long we don't know - it was already there when we moved in. Last month I noticed one morning when I went out to water our tree, that part of it had collapsed onto the sidewalk. Since then, I've been trying to find a masonry person who can come and take a look. Finally I found someone and he came by this past Tuesday.

He said that it wasn't worth repairing, since it was not attached to the house in the first place - whoever had originally "designed" it had just kind of stuck it there, and we were lucky it has lasted as long as it has.  He told me "I could have my crew come and remove it for about $1000, but that would be overkill for you to hire us." He gave me the name and contact information for someone who would do it for less and just as well. He told me that the person was someone he would have no problem coming to work on his house, so to give him a call.   

Now, I realize that this could be someone not great, or some kind of racket or whatever, but I have chosen to think the person who came to look at the planter was being honest and helpful. His company has good reviews and ratings on various sites, so I'm willing to believe him. I will try to give the other guy a call next week and see what happens.

3. My Emotional Support Chicken project. I am having so much fun knitting this, and as of yesterday have a nice chunk finished.

The next time I work on it, I'll be starting the neck of the chicken. This is such an addictive knit, and not hard at all. It does require paying attention, since there is some counting involved, but mostly at the start of each section. Once you get going, you just need to keep track of where you are in the pattern. It's just making me happy whenever I work on it. 😊

4. Walking. As you know, I've been trying to walk more and have been doing well keeping up with it. But this week with the heat, I wasn't sure how I would fare. Fortunately, the mornings have been cool enough that I can get in a 2-3 mile walk before things get to dangerous or unbearable. And that makes me happy, since walking - especially first thing in the morning - is nice. There aren't as many people around, and a lot of those that are, are walking their dogs, so I get the benefit of getting to pet some pups along the way!

5. YouTube TV. We have never had cable, but about a year ago, The Tim said he had read about YouTube TV, and thought it might be worth a try. We signed up for the free trial, and now a year later, are still enjoying it so much. It's a lot less expensive than cable, and has a lot of features that make it worthwhile for us. We love watching certain shows, movies, and things like baseball games, etc. Most of the things we like are available on YouTube TV, so we have found it well worth the cost. 

Though we are not glued to our TV set 24/7, we watch it enough that it's been a good experience. And it will record things for you and store them in the famous "cloud" for you to watch - it stores them for a year, which means that we have time to watch them before they disappear. This is not an ad or promotion for this product. We just realized the other day that we've had it now for a year, and how much we like it.

So there you go. I hope you can find at least five things that have been good in your week. We have tickets for a concert tomorrow by the Philadelphia Boys' Choir, in the afternoon, but nothing else going on. And fortunately, the concert is nearby, so we can walk there without a) being in the heat too long, and b) without having to worry about parking.

Have a good weekend, however you spend your time!


Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for the updates!

Araignee said...

The Mister's been paying $300 a month for cable and I've been begging him to cut the cord. I pay for several of the big streaming services and that's all I watch. He's spending all that money to watch reruns of old shows he could get commercial free with streaming. He just won't do it.

KSD said...

I know others have said it, but the chicken --- at this point --- does look like a cropped top.

Nance said...

We've had YouTubeTV for a long time now and it's been great. We're part of a family bundle that our son subscribed to. Our three households share lots of services, and it works out nicely.

I've had to postpone my walking schedule because of this darned heat dome. It's just too hot and humid. Even early in the morning, the humidity is too oppressive for me to even think of walking. I'm glad you're able to get out there.

Dee said...

A good five!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Can't wait to see your chicken come together!