16 August 2024


Well, the guy showed up yesterday to start working on the floors, and Alfie was right there. I left the cats alone, rather than closing them up in a room, because I knew that three out of four of them would hide. I told the guy that if Alfie was becoming a pest, to let me know and I would remove him. The guy assured me that he loves cats, and it wouldn't be a problem.

The whole time he was here, Alfie hung out with him - snooper-vising, I guess, since I didn't see him do any actual physical work. To Dan's (floor guy) credit, he kept up a conversation with Alfie most of the day. Covering a variety of topics. (And proving that we're not the only weirdos who have entire conversations with our cats. 😊) Alfie is not much of a "talker," but he does make sounds that sound either approving or disapproving, and he never takes his eyes off of you if you are talking to him.

After the work day was finished, Alfie sacked out until this morning. Because today is another day of floor work, as is tomorrow. And if you never realized it before, snooper-vising is exhausting work. 

Fortunately, he gives us a discount on his rates.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


Karen in PA said...

Gotta love Alfie, he clearly takes his responsibilities very seriously. Perhaps your floor guy is pleased to have a companion that does not ask questions or make unwanted suggestions!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Lord Burton can attest, snoopervising is extremely taxing! It's very much skilled labour

KSD said...

Being a sous handyman is exhausting work.

Kym said...

Oh, this just delights me! I'm so glad Alfie got to put on his snoop-ervision hat and "help out." I always appreciate it when repair/installation folks are pet-lovers. XO

Nance said...

I'm happy for you that your floors are happening. It's tough to get any contractors to commit to a firm time. It's like cable tv techs! LOL

Our big tabby TravisCat used to be a major snoopervisor cat. He always helped any service person who showed up. He especially liked the appliance repairman and would even stretch out on his canvas tarp next to his toolbox. Our present cats don't even venture out when repair people are in the house.

Araignee said...

That is the most adorable photo! That is one comfy kitty.

Kim in Oregon said...

Oh that's so cute! I bet the floor guy really enjoys having Alfie around!

WendyKnits said...

I had two different contractors in my home this week and both of them made a big fuss over my kitty Loki. I love seeing a big tough guy drop to his hands and knees and talk to a kitty in baby talk and make kissy noises to him. Maybe I'm just weird.