27 August 2024

Tuesdays Are For ...


I have started volunteering for PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) at one of their locations in a Petsmart not too far from my house. I have the Tuesday morning shift, and this will be my 3rd week there. 

This is a location that is somewhat small, and they only adopt out cats. But that's fine with me, since as you know I am able to tolerate cats. 😏 I am only able to do this because PAWS is a no-kill rescue, so I don't have to worry about learning that a kitty I saw one week had to be euthanized for space when I get there next time. I am not emotionally strong enough for that.

But so far it's been fun. The first week, there was a bonded pair of older cats who were sisters and they were so sweet! They loved cuddles and playing. Fortunately, they were adopted together the week in between my shifts. 

The pictures above are the group from last week. The top and bottom kittens are littermates, and the one in the middle is a singleton. The littermates were adopted in my last shift, and the other kitten the day after. 

Basically, I go in and feed them, clean up their litter boxes and cages, and cuddle and play with them. I forgot how ridiculously messy kittens are! Honestly, it always looks like a bomb went off in their cages. So yeah, it can be messy, and smelly, and sometimes even gross, but being able to spend time with them is just the best. 

Whether or not they are kittens, most of them like some cuddles or pets. And of course kittens are just all over the place, so they are good for a laugh! Needless to say, when I come home, even though I wash up and put whatever clothes I was wearing into the laundry, my own cats have to do some very thorough sniffing. I can see them wondering why I smell that way. But then they know I'll give them a treat or something, so all is forgiven.

So even though I don't have paid employment, I am getting out of the house besides my morning walks at least once a week. They have never failed to make me smile, and I like knowing that they are being adopted and making people happy.

The Tim enjoys my stories each week, though he told me at the beginning that I "should not bring my work home with me." 😂😂

But it's SOOOOOO tempting!


Araignee said...

What is better than spending some quality time with kitties? I always visit the adoption center at our Petsmart to say hi to them and leave them a donation.

Nance said...

That sounds perfectly wonderful! I bet you are so happy to arrive there and hear that each one has been taken to a forever home, too. So gratifying and joyful.

(My husband would tell me the very same thing, Bridget.)

karen said...

you are being paid with lower blood pressure and extra good feelings :)

Wanderingcatstudio said...

You have much more fortitude than I - I would be bringing home ALL THE KITTIES!!!
Seriously though - what a wonderful way to spend your time!

Kim in Oregon said...

What a great thing for you to do! Volunteering AND kitties!

KSD said...

I did the very same thing for Animal Control here. It was hard to not see certain cats from week to week, but wonderful news that they had found homes.

Kym said...

Oh, kitties! What a fun and rewarding volunteer activity, Bridget. And just perfect for you. My daughter volunteered at the local SPCA shelter during the summers when she was in high school. She walked dogs and did playtime activities with the kitties. Every time she came home, she tried to convince us that we needed to adopt her new favorite. We held firm, but wow -- the temptation was always right there. . .