(My view the other morning, when Alfie agreed to sit on my lap for a while - it's been a long time since this happened!)
How are all of you doing? Well enough at least, I hope. I've been better, but I'm doing my best to keep thinking and moving forward.
The hardest part is that I'm in one of those betwixt and between modes. You know, where there are things you want to do, and plenty of things you should do or need to do, and you just can't get going at all. I mean, I manage to get up, get dressed, etc., and feed myself, the cats, and The Tim, but all the other stuff in-between is just ... there.
Not that I'm ever a ball of fire, mind you. But I am usually good at getting at least one or two things started or accomplished on any given day. And for the last week or so, I just can't get moving on it.
Now, I can guess why, that's not an issue. And I am telling myself that if I can force myself to do even one small thing, that in a few more days or even next week, I'll be getting back on track. So this morning I took a walk. Not as long as I usually take, but I bundled up and got myself outside, and enjoyed it.
And just about half an hour ago, I managed to locate the hot glue gun, plug it in to heat up, and then glue two different items that have been sitting for [I don't know how long, choose your own adventure here]. That felt good. And I even remembered to unplug said glue gun and it's cooling as I type this.
So today? I'm doing pretty well, I think. Granted, Usual Me would be saying "You think *those* two things are major accomplishments???" but Today Me is saying "Hooray!"
You may or may not know or care that yesterday the Philadelphia Eagles football team punched their card to head to the Super Bowl (or was we call it, the Superb Owl)! That was exciting, and it's really nice to see everyone so happy about it, especially since people have been especially stressed or sad for the past week or so, if you get my drift ... 😟
What's been going on with all of you? I've kept up somewhat with everyone's blogs and social media, but that's not to say I haven't missed something. So let me know!
Otherwise, I don't have anything to regale you with or about on this chilly but not cold Monday afternoon. I do hope you are doing well, and if you are in snow or cold areas, keeping cozy.
I've had plenty of those days when accomplishing a couple of lingering tasks felt like a huge victory. Good for you, knocking those off your list! This winter has felt oppressive and lingering; I'm Over It. Hang in there; we can get through this (and the Other Thing).
I was cheering on the Eagles yesterday but I was also cheering on the Chiefs so that's where I am today. It should be a great Superb Owl!
I feel sort of the same way. My perfectionism (bordering on OCD) means a lot gets done and then a lot gets undone because either I think I can do better or if not better, a different way.
It means not a lot of forward progress. BUT, it keeps me for obsessing on things I don't even want to think about.
I’m in the mid winter doldrums myself. We’ve got so many projects around the house that need attending to but I don’t have the will to drag out all the tools and wreck the place again. I’m going to just keep pretending the sink isn’t leaking and that there isn’t still a hole in the downstairs ceiling that needs fixing. At least for a while longer. All that snow made me lazy.
I think you are not alone in your thoughts and the lack of inertia to complete anything. My main goal each day is to avoid any and all "news alerts" and if the sun sets and I have accomplished that... I say I have won! (This is not to say I am unaware of the chaos that is everywhere... I am.) Small wins are still wins! (And Fly, Eagles, Fly!)
I hate it when the mojo wanes like that. But you're right - the best way to get it back is just to try to accomplish a few small things. And to remember - we don't have to be productive all the time. Sometimes the body/mind just need a rest!
Look, I would have called just finding the d*mn glue gun a victory. With you in looking for tiny wins.
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