10 February 2025

Super Bowl Champions, Baby!

Well, I'm sure by now you have heard that the Philadelphia Eagles demolished the Kansas City Chiefs to become the Super Bowl Champions! I mean, I'm not sure anyone but the members of the team were ready for how well they played, but no one is complaining. It's so exciting, and especially after last week's terrible plane crash in Northeast Philadelphia, it's nice that we all have something good to cheer about.

On a personal level, it was just such a relief to have something so happy and so joyous to watch and think about. The beginning of 2025 has been horrible for us so to just be able to watch and cheer and laugh was wonderful. Does it mean the world is immediately better and nothing else bad will happen? Of course not, but it's a small circle of joy that needs to be marked and celebrated.

As I said, 2025 has not been kind to us so far. I won't be going in to detail, but I really can't remember a year that has started off this way. I do want to thank every single one of you who left a comment on my post about Pip. It means so much to know people are thinking of you, and that other people "get" it. We are getting used to not having him here, ready to cuddle, or play, or comment on everything, but there's a long way to go. Alfie and Esme have glued themselves to each other, and Milo the Koodle walks around the house meowing in the most pitiful way that he never did before. It makes it extra hard because they of course don't understand what happened. 

You know, some people complain that too much is made of sports, particularly NFL football, which can of course having lasting, terrible effects on players' brains and bodies. And that is true, but to be honest, I don't see it going away any time soon. And in the grand scheme of things, is sports the most important? No it is not. Things are still horrible in the world, and Those People show no signs of stopping the terrible things they have started. 

But for the past week, at least here in the city, people have been walking around with smiles on their faces, and nearly everyone you pass or have any interaction with would end with "Go Birds!" And last night, The Tim and I sat here and watched the game, and for a few hours didn't have a reason to feel sad or frustrated or bereft. 

And we were so very grateful for that.

Fly Eagles Fly, indeed!


Araignee said...

I didn't watch the game but I did listen to the police scanners in Philly last night. That's a city that knows how to party. Congratulations!

Kim in Oregon said...

WOW it was a total domination from the Eagles. Good job! And I loved the Jalen Hurts ad at the end.

AsKatKnits said...

It was a magnificent evening! Even though I am on the other side of the state, I was just so darned happy the Eagles were just also awesome!

And just so you know... I am still thinking about all of you as you work through Pip's loss. Grief is absolutely a thing, but most especially when a beloved pet dies. (and I believe that animals mourn as well...) Be gentle with yourselves... XO

Kym said...

It was quite a game, that's for sure! I thought about how pleased you and Tim must be the whole time I watched, and I cheered them on FOR YOU. I agree with you about the power of sport (or "spectacle" of any kind, really) for bringing joy. That's why I think the summer olympics last year were so good for so many of us. The spectacle brought a couple of weeks of JOY to all of us! (The problem with sports events like the super bowl . . . is they bring joy, but only regionally . . . which is a lovely boost. But it's not universal.) (Said the Detroit Lions fan. Michigan is still grieving . . . ) All my love to you - and wishes for better days ahead.

Nance said...

Poor little Milo. I hope he settles in soon.

I was glad the Eagles won, and for several reasons. Let's just say that #ETTD is alive and well, and that the better team really did win.