22 March 2010

It's My Opinion.

Topic of the Day

If you do not feel like reading this, I will not be offended, but I've been thinking about it all day.  I am glad that the health care reform bill was passed yesterday.  True, in a Bridget-centric world, it would be much more all-encompassing, but at least it's a start.  Anyway, I have a theory about why a lot of people think that the healthcare system we have now is fine.  And that's because I do think that most people are lucky enough that they never have to face a serious and/or life-threatening situation.  They use their insurance for doctor visits - with a co-pay - and the occasional x-ray or test, and it's all just fine.  It's only until something really unfortunate happens to you that you realize how crappy your health insurance can be.  I am enough of a socialist to want to live in a society where everyone has something, even just a minimum amount of coverage. 

Once again, just my opinion.  You do not have to a) agree, b) care what I think, c) even finish reading my thoughts, or, d) all of the above.  I just wanted to say it.

A Much Better Weekend!

You may recall that last weekend, it seemed to my self-pitying self that the universe had conspired against me, and I was highly dismayed with the whole thing.  You will be glad to know that this past weekend made up for it and then some.

First of all, beautiful weather.  Secondly, my sister Mary Ellen and my brother-in-law Patrick came to visit.  We had a blast, and had plenty of opportunities to be outside enjoying the nice weather.  It was fun to catch up, and since we don't get to see them just on their own that often, it was nice to just hang out and eat, drink, and laugh.  Yesterday morning, we went to brunch at a new-ish place called Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar, and it was the perfect way to end their visit. 

I did take a couple of pictures, which I have not downloaded yet, but needless to say, when we were taking a small hike along the Wissahickon Trail on Saturday seeing all kinds of beautiful scenery, my camera was in my purse in the trunk of the car ...

Jetsam and Tess also enjoyed the visit, as they got some extra attention, and, in Jetsam's case, more people to rub his belly.  I think that he wishes we had more company.  Garden Kitty, on the other hand, thinks that the 2-4 people who may visit us in any given year is far too many ...

Knitting and Reading Progress

Nothing major, but I am back to working on some projects, instead of just thinking about working on them.  I've also been back in a frame of mind to concentrate on actually reading a book or two, which feels so much better than not even being able to stay focused enough to open a book much less read more than a page a day! 

I tell ya, those Where's Waldo books will do it every time ...


Chris said...

I agree, Bridget. And I'm glad we're started on this, at least...

Lynn said...

I agree we need a better health care system, just not convinced that this is the one.
So while we may not completely agree, I do care! LOL

and funny abt the cats. It always seems there is one in the group that would prefer NO company at all!!!

Marie said...

I agree with you too. It's about time we started improving our health care system. I'm fortunate, but not everybody has good coverage as we all know. I hope a new system will help those families who have to go deeply into debt to pay for some catastrophic illness or injury.

Lisa said...

Le sigh...such a sensitive topic. I agree that we need an overhaul but I am adamantly opposed to the way this all went down and the behavior of the current administration. There has to be a better way. And I do thank the stars every damn day that you are still here to share your opinions. :-)

Glad you had fun this weekend and that the kitties got a bit of a perk. I *heart* ManMon.

SissySees said...

Skipping over the insurance stuff, because my head hurts already...

Glad you had a good weekend. We did too. I was even able to slip on a sweater and socks this morning without being bitter, because spring is here and soon, I'll tuck my socks away for a few months...

Dianne said...

I agree, wholeheartedly!!!

Quilting Mama said...

What a great weekend to make up for the washed out birthday weekend.

It was so accommodating of Patrick and Mary Ellen to take care of the kitties and their needs.

Anonymous said...

I can't focus on anything beyond the menu from the Chocolate Bar...

Brigitte said...

OK, thanks for giving me that insight. As a Canadian who's had access to free healthcare all of her life (as do all Canadians), I was having a hard time understanding how having something so basic and necessary could offend some people.

I shudder to think how much my sister would have had to pay for her cancer treatment. Or what I would do if I were cut off or denied insurance for a pre-existing condition.

Bookfool said...

I just read an article about the most common reasons people declare bankruptcy in the U.S. Guess what was #1 on the list? Yep, medical expenses. I think you're right; most people don't think change is needed until disaster occurs. I'm enough of a socialist to think we need it, too.

Carrie K said...

I don't think that people are so much offended by the idea of national health care (jumping off of Brigitte's comments, rather than yours, Bridget) as they're afraid that the benefits that they do have will both cost more and cover less.

I'm for national health care, a public option, and for the love of heaven, divorcing it from your employer - that's just going to be a nightmare for smaller employers. I just don't believe that it's not going to cost an arm and a leg.

But just to defend some of those against it as not suffering ill health - mother is dead set against it (we like to argue in our house) and she's well aware of what it's like not to be covered - their health insurance plan didn't cover my congenital cataracts or my brother's premature birth and heart murmur (or save his twin's life). They paid for all that out of pocket on one salary, back in the day.

Nowadays she's had stents etc. As her parents were both dead before their 50's were over, she's well aware of how medical coverage can save your life. She just thinks that she's not going to be high on the list to be covered due to her age.

knitseashore said...

It's good to talk about things and hear each other's views. I always learn more. The health care system has got to be overhauled, but like some of the other posters, I'm just not sure this is the way to go. My dad's cancer tests and treatments were so expensive, even with his insurance. I'm just not sure how a country with an economy as bad as ours is going to pay for all of this, but I am going to keep an open mind.

I am with you on the knitting and reading progress -- I think spring is helping us to get past the wall!

mary said...

I'm happy we did something about health care. I'm sure this won't the last we hear of it or the final picture. One way or another, something has to be done. So many people without health insurance costs all of us. It costs us all in so many ways, not just money, because in the end we all pay anyway for those without insurance, but also waiting times in emergency rooms, kids who never reach their potential because of lack of prenatal and neonatal care, talented, creative people who can't afford to strike out on their own, and thereby create more jobs for all us, because they will lose their health insurance. Something needs to be done and at least it seems we've started doing something.

Glad you had a good weekend. My cat Percy hates company.

Lorraine said...

Bridget- Healthcare, is a basic human right-

It is nice when you have company, and someone else takes over belly-rubbing duties for a while.

craftivore said...

I'm with you, at least it's something. I'm afraid that it will be chiseled down and hung up in courts until there's nothing left of it.