09 September 2019

It Was Nice While It Lasted

Last week was so incredibly enjoyable, being able to stay home and not deal with my horrific co-workers!  As you may have noticed, I didn't even post here, though to be honest, a lot of the reason was because nothing much was happening worth showing you.  :-)

It was an excellent blend of getting things accomplished and relaxing, and the weather was very cooperative, which I appreciated A LOT.  I didn't get all the things on my to-do list taken care of, but I hadn't really expected to, so I wasn't really upset with myself.  But the things that were done gave me the chance to feel like I had finally made a dent into a lot of things!

The weekend topped it all off nicely, with the New Jersey Sheep and Fiber Festival on Saturday, and the Eagles winning their football game on Sunday. 

The fiber festival was so much fun!  One of the nicest things about this festival is that it is very approachable as far as size is concerned.  Which is not to say that it is not as much sensory overload as the larger fairs and festivals - trust me, there's A LOT to see!  Of course, I spent a lot of my time talking to and petting the sheep (whether or not they wanted me to - spoiler alert: most of them didn't care), and I even got to kiss and hug one of the sheep which was THE BEST THING OF ALL.  The Tim even took photos, but as my camera and my computer are currently not on speaking terms, I'll have to show you that later.  Even Instagram isn't speaking to me, so I can't send you there to see any photos at the moment either.  Oh well. 

It was very difficult to not buy a whole bunch of beautiful yarns.  But I managed to restrain myself and came home only with a bar of goat's soap, with Franckinsense and Myrhh scent.  It's put safely away until Christmastime. 

I did get the chance to see some people that I had hoped to see, including Dee, Vera, three good friends from Philadelphia that I follow online but don't often get to see, and Kathleen Dames.  It was so nice to run into people to briefly catch up, and to live vicariously through their purchases.  It was especially nice to meet Kathleen, as we have been friends online for approximately 15 years, and had never yet met in person!  We'd come close, but it just never worked out until Saturday.  She was there with Kay Gardiner (one half of Mason-Dixon Knitting), and introduced us.  Kay was as nice and as funny as you would expect her to be.  One funny thing was that when I was talking to Kathleen, I mentioned that I ran into her when I was looking for The Tim.  She said, "Oh my God - THE TIM is here???"  I got a huge chuckle out of that.  (And eventually I did locate him, well after the fact.)

You may also enjoy this exchange, which occurred over breakfast that morning.

The Tim:  So ... is this one of the big fiber things?
Me:  It's relatively small, if you remember.  [He has gone with me at least 3 times in the past.]
The Tim:  When did it become smaller?
Me:  As far as I know, it's always been smaller.
The Tim:  When did they move it?
Me: What?
The Tim: Well, didn't it used to be in Maryland?
Me:  That would be Maryland Sheep and Wool, which happens in May.
The Tim:  Oh, I wondered about that.  I guess I'm talking about a whole other state.
Me (in my brain):  !!!!!!!
Me (in person):  Ya think??

Anyway, then yesterday I just hung out at home, worked on some laundry and some stitching, and watched the football game.  What a nice way to finish my week of vacation.

And how sad to have to return to work.  Such is life.  At least tomorrow, we have our lunch hour craft group meeting.

Again, sorry for no pictures here today - hopefully I can show you some things soon.  Have a good week!


AsKatKnits said...

I am hoping that your return to the doldrums of work is practically painless (and over quickly!!)

I am chuckling at The Tim's conversation... so much brilliance!

Bonny said...

So glad you had such a good week - and weekend! I went to NJ Sheep on Sunday, and am sorry to have missed meeting you (and the Tim!), but maybe some day. I love the "move from MD" exchange!

Araignee said...

Oh my gosh, you had me laughing with that Tim conversation!

Nance said...

Perhaps you can float on your Bliss for at least part of the week. I certainly hope so.

What is it about men when they get to A Certain Age? Rick is Oblivious and Clueless a great deal of the time as well. He's kind of in a Stratosphere of Twilight unless it directly concerns him.

Dee said...

It was SO good to see you. You give the bestest hugs!!!!

When that weather cools off a bit, we will be down to see you.

KSD said...

Don't let Fame go to The Tim's head!

Vera said...

It was fun meeting up with you Bridget on Saturday (and getting to - finally - meet The Tim!!). It was such a nice Festival.

Kim in Oregon said...

I hope it is an easy transition. I have to go back next week.

Kym said...

I'm so glad you had a lovely week off! (I knew you would. . . ) So nice that you (and The Tim) had such a great time at the fiber festival. I really like the Michigan Fiber Festival for the same reasons you mention -- small and accessible, but still PLENTY to see and do! (I've been to Rhinebeck. Whoa. TOO MANY PEOPLE. Just overwhelmed me completely.) I hope your week back to work is relatively painless, and that time passes quickly for you. XO

Shirley said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful week and a special weekend! Looking forward to seeing photos when technology cooperates. Hope the work week will go smoothly.

kathy b said...

NO worries that you did not post pictures. I loved your story. Loved the fair exchange with your guy!!!! Sorry work is a bummer lately.