13 October 2023

Scenes From A Friday the 13th

Hello and Happy Friday the 13th, always a most excellent day!

We're a bit bleary-eyed but very happy today. We were all up later then we usually are, especially during a work week. 

Because we had to watch our Phillies win and move on to the National League Championships! It was more than worth being so tired today. And since they won at home, it was even more exciting.

Now they will play a series against the Arizona Diamondbacks for a chance to go to the World Series. You may enjoy this conversation from last night between myself and my beloved spouse - with the start point of saying that a lot of the sports announcers refer to the Diamondbacks and the "D-Backs."

The Tim: This is so exciting! But I can't believe someone would name a team the "D-Bags."
Me: No one has.
The Tim (looking puzzled): I think you might not be paying attention. They have been calling them that all night.
Me: No, they have been calling them the D-Backs, tonight and all of the time.
The Tim: It sure sounded like D-Bags to me ...

And that's another installment of When The Tim Tries To Be Involved With Sports. Thanks for tuning in. 😂


This morning, The Tim headed for work (where I'm sure he'll talk sports with his co-workers, being that he knows so much), and the kitties and I got started on a few things we wanted to do before we just took the rest of the day off.

Pip would just like to get a drink of water in peace. 

Esme and Alfie are looking too innocent for their own good.

And Milo the Koodle is resting after all of the excitement of last night. And trust me, a sleeping Koodle is the best kind or Koodle. ✔

I decided that it was a good day to make chili in the crockpot. So I got things going nice and early, and by now the house is starting to smell heavenly. I tend to throw different things into my "recipe" every time - for instance, you may notice some carrots in there. I don't usually add carrots, but these were in the fridge and getting towards the end of their shelf life, so rather than waste them, I chopped them and added them to the chili. I figure it will add even more texture, which I like. On my walk, I stopped and got a nice crusty loaf of bread to have with it for dinner. I like knowing that later it will just be a matter of dishing it up. And since it's good weather for it, I think it will hit the spot, so to speak.

So there you go - nothing scary or unlucky for us today, at least not so far, and hopefully not at all. This weekend, The Tim will be setting up our new computer, so he'll be busy with that. I don't have any specific plans, other than having to work on Sunday, but that's fine with me.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and can get in some good relaxing time. Enjoy!


Kim in Oregon said...

Well congrats on the good sportsball news! I hope the game lasted less than four hours, but you never know!

Cracking up about the D-Bags, I must say!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm laughing so hard - Dave would be calling them the D-Bags too!!! Lol

Love the kitties! So cute, all of them!

KSD said...

Pip's foot on the wall HAS to be the feline equivalent of a human hand on a hip.

Araignee said...

D bags...you made me laugh! Congrats on the win. Our Orioles, well, they didn't do so good.
Chili sounds great. I almost made some but decided on Hoppin John instead. I'd rather have the chili tbh.

Kym said...

It's always fun when "your team" does well . . . and you can share in their success. (D-bags. That's gonna stick with me. LOL) Thanks for sharing your adorable kitties! XO