12 October 2023

This Might Be The Year

I hope your week has been going well, even if there is more sorrow and strife in the world. Sometimes I think that surely there won't be any more tragedy, but then I realize that if there is anything in the universe that is guaranteed, it's tragedy for someone, somewhere, even at the smallest levels. Then I remember that the reverse is also true - happiness and joy happen all of the time too, and I cling to that, even if we will never know what most of it is and when it happens.

My week has been fine. I taught the second and final hat class I was doing at the yarn store, and I think it was a huge success. It helps that the people taking the class were a) really nice people, and b) truly motivated to do it. Everyone arrived on Tuesday evening either ready for the last part (cable decreases) or only two or three rows away. When they were leaving, they were SO excited to no longer "be afraid" of cables, and two of them showed me a pattern and bought yarn for their next cable projects. That was the best result of all to me.

Otherwise it's been most of the same stuff, which is OK with me. Our next door neighbors are having major renovations done on their house, so there's a lot of extra noise, dust, and just overall mess outside, which makes me glad it's not a bad time to have the windows closed. Though the cats do not approve in any way, shape, or form, thank you very much. Alfie seems particularly offended, since we have the door to the garden closed and that has a direct effect on his ability to keep track of the squirrels running around. Won't someone think of the kitties???

My knitting is going well, and I'm especially excited about a new cast on. Every year, I hope that I will have myself together well enough to knit a pair of Christmas socks for The Tim to gift him for his birthday in November, so he'll have them to wear in December. Except for one year when I actually knit a pair of Christmas socks for him in July (which inspired my Christmas in July shenanigans), it's just never been a possibility. 

But this might be the year it happens.

Behold the start of a pair of Christmas socks that must be finished before November 18 - this looks possible, right?? I started these last Friday, and then didn't get near them again until yesterday, but I have knit even more than in this photo, so I'm nearly to the heel portion of sock #1. This is pleasing me so much, I have to tell you. I'm using an Advent skein from the Cozy Knitter, called Gingerbread House, and using the Blueberry Waffle Socks pattern. So far, I'm zooming along on them, so with a bit more than a month before I actually need to have them finished, I'm feeling encouraged. Even though it would not register with him what/who they were for if he saw them, I've been working on them on the days I'm home and he's at work, because I'd love for them to be a complete surprise. 😊

Other than that, I'm nearly finished with the last gift that will need to be mailed, which is also good news. My DRK Everyday Sweater hasn't seen anything happening on it lately, because I'm waiting for some new needles to arrive. The only needles I had in the correct size for the body are some Lykke needles I've had for a while, and though I generally love using them, they hold on to the Felted Tweed yarn a little too well. So I broke down and ordered a pair of metal needles in the size I need for the sweater. Yes, I know I should buy an interchangeable set, but I don't have the funds all at once at any given time, so it's not happening anytime soon.

Curious - do any of you have an interchangeable set of needles (or even sets)? Most of the people I know swear by Chiaogoo sets, but a couple of people have other sets and love them. I like wood/bamboo/whatever for a lot of things, but as mentioned above, some projects work better for me with metal needles. So that also makes me hesitant to invest in just one or the other.

OK, enough blathering for now. The sun has arrived, so I think I'll move some laundry around and then take a walk before I do anything else. Because it's nice outside, and I have the whole day to myself. Win-win!


Araignee said...

I have an ancient Knit Picks set and I don't love them but I do get a lot of use out of them. I've never tried any other brand and I probably should. Lately I've been just buying fixed circulars in every size available because I tend to be too lazy to get up and get the kit when I need to change sizes.
The sock is very festive. It's hard to believe it countdown to the holidays has already begun.

Alison said...

Have you seen Knitpro Zing straight needles. Not sure what they are made of, but they are light and their coloured coating seems to help the stitches slip along.

Yesterday it was a cold windy spring day, so what better to do than knit with beautiful sequin wool. Our daughter Tara now has a lovely sparkly scarf for her birthday next week.

Glad your class went well - it is quite an experience being a teacher - I have done it for both cake decorating and for quilting. Sometimes I think people turn off their ears when they get excited, I have clearly stated “add it a tablespoon at a time, mixing well in between” - only to turn around and a see a whole cupful being dumped in the bowl.

Kym said...

I am so thrilled to hear about your successful cable class, Bridget! BRAVO to you! And I love the Christmas socks for Tim. I do think you'll get them finished well on time -- because (a) you're motivated, and (b) they look like so much fun to knit! I have an ancient set of KnitPicks interchangeable needles, and I am generally Not A Fan, but I do make them work for me when I need to. Mostly, I have a motley crew of non-interchangeable needles that get the job done. I've always wanted to try the ChiaGoo needles, but never have. XO

Dee said...

I haven't really liked any of the interchangeable needles I have tried. They either come undone while I am knitting (won't stay screwed together) OR you can feel the join. Feeling the join drives me crazy.

Fixed circulars aren't ALWAYS perfect, but I have found ChiaoGoo fixed circs. to my liking. I get the red cord ones. I haven't bought any *sets* because I generally don't use the larger size needles.

I buy what I need when I need them.

kayT said...

I have a set of interchangeable Addy Click bamboo needles that I bought from a Raveler which were barely used. I have not used them at all because I never mastered the "click" way of locking the needles on. Apparently I am the only one who can't do this, as everyone says oh no it's easy it's great. Well, if you would like to try them and see how easy it is (hopefully) I would be more than glad to send them to you. They make me mad at myself every time I see the case, so you'd be doing me a favor! The bamboo is nice and smooth, the points are fairly pointy but not wildly so, and all the parts are there. Just e-mail me.

julia in KW said...

I have both Knitpicks and chiagoo. I liked knitpicks until I started having the cords disconnect from their fastener. Was very frustrated with that, so I rarely use them now though occasionally will. The chiagoo are definitely my fav. Love the sharp points and the cords are reliable and don’t curl.

Kim in Oregon said...

I have had two sets in my lifetime, including the knit picks set, and gave up on both sets. I was not good at keeping track of all the fiddly bits and once I hit my knitting stride, I realized I only need about four different needle sizes (1, 5, 8 and 10 1/2) for the vast majority of what I knit.

KSD said...

I have a set of Knit Picks interchangeable --- Fourquares. I like them, but I'm a sucker for square needles.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Love the Christmas colour socks! I always say I'm going to make myself a Christmas pair and never do!

I have knit picks interchangeables - but I'm not a fan. They come undone very easy. All my circulars are Chiao Goo Red Lace and I love them... I never considered getting them in an interchangeable set though...